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Alone & Combined
Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Burnside. "Alone & Combined: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol (exp13127)". Mar 10, 2005.

T+ 0:00
4.5 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 24:00 6 glasses oral Alcohol (liquid)
  T+ 36:00 4.5 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 36:00 6 glasses oral Alcohol (liquid)
A little background info: About 1.5 years ago I was what you could call an alcoholic by the amount I drank (almost daily), but I wasn't addicted. I quit drinking about 7 months ago and haven't touched a drop yet, thanks to a spiritual experience. I have been smoking/eating Cannabis for two years.

Whenever I trip (believe me, eating 4 grams of cannabis is a trip!) I write it down in a log. I had been thinking about the cannabis high and the alcohol buzz (which I had forgotten) and decided to experiment.

NIGHT ONE: I ate 2 cookies containing 2-2.5 grams of cannabis each. After an hour the familiar efects came - drymouth, red eye, munchies, and a nice trip. My imagination always runs wild, I sit back and pretend. This time I had memories of good times with an old friend and drinking in Paris. I was full of such warm happiness, I can't even describe it. I was feeling sad, thinking how awesome they were. This gradually left and I felt my body feel like it was shaking and just layed back and enjoyed some music before I passed out.

NIGHT TWO: I figure if I was to visit an old friend, why not get something good? I drove to the liquor store and grabbed 2 cases of Smirnoff ICE - at 7% each. I love the taste of those things :) I proceeded to drink 6 of them rather quickly. At first there was that nice warm body buzz. But it was different than with Marijuana, it feels almost dirty in comparison and like my body is dulled instead of becoming sharper (as with MJ). I felt rather drunk and almost equally depressed. I decided to go for a walk at 3.30am and wandered into a construction zone and then snuck into a forested area inside a private tennis club. I had a huge urge to be with people - anyone - and wandered around making scenarios up of me seeing people I knew.

I walked home and passed out. I can't stress the synthetic and dirty feeling enough. I woke up feeling like shit, a lot worse than being burnt out.

NIGHT THREE: I've gotten this far, why not mix the two? I had the same amount of cookies (2) from the same batch, along with 6 new Smirnoff ICE bottles... a scientific control if you will :)

Definetly not a nice feeling. I drank a bit while waiting for the Marijuana efects. Took about two hours before I could seperate them from the alcohol feeling. Imagine wearing the whitest, cleanest clothes and jumping in the dirtiest mud. This is how I felt.

In conclusion, use cannabis and refrain from alcohol! I have had more alcohol (this is not gloating, it was irresponsible and wrong) than people could believe, so I assumed the effects would be an old pleasure. I see how alcohol is a 'social' drug though, because that feeling of absolute NEED for others was intense. Cannabis is nice with or without people, in fact I prefer it without.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2005Views: 21,312
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Alcohol (61), Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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