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Remembering You Are Still A Kid
Morning Glory
Citation:   Happyagain. "Remembering You Are Still A Kid: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp13344)". Erowid.org. Jun 30, 2005. erowid.org/exp/13344

200 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
Hi, just wanted to let you know how the Morning glory went.

Both my boyfriend and I decided to try this after having read a lot about it and we both enjoyed previous use with acid during last summer. Our other recreational uses include pot almost weekly and ecstasy monthly. We enjoy k as well and GHB on rare occasions and previously I have used crystal meth...but mostly we just stick with pot and ecstasy. But for this trip we decided to not use pot before hand, as we wanted a clean experience of the morning glory. Heavenly blues.

We went an bought a cheap 20 dollar coffee grinder and came home around 2 in the afternoon and I ate a little Debbie oatmeal cream pie cookie while my boyfriend did not (I mention this because I think having this little something in my stomach helped me...as neither of us had eaten except breakfast and no lunch) We washed the seeds by placing liquid detergent all over them and rinsed them off thoroughly with cold water after a couple of minutes of rubbing them around in it...then I patted them dry with a paper towel and ground the seeds up. Some turned into a very nice powder most remained chunky bits. I crunched up a total of 200 for me and 150 for my boyfriend. We drank our seeds down via heavy fresh home squeezed pulp orange juice and then laid down on the bed and attempted to watch a movie.

We were both amazed how fast we felt the morning glory begin to effect us and we both began to feel really dizzy and had to quit watching the movie. The 'sense' of motion like sea sickness or like being on a carnival ride too long increased but I soon realized to acclimate to this sense of motion and found concentrating on memories of comfortably being in motion like being a kid and running down a hill or spinning around laughing or anything of childhood movement relaxed this but my boyfriend never could adjust to this and so while my sickness which was over in less than 15 minutes his would remain throughout the entire duration of the trip. I think the fact too that he had nothing in his stomach save for the orange juice and the fact that he too less seeds added to his sickness...

Either the case he spent the next 6 hours throwing up, leg cramps, and very motion sick and I think for him Dramamine would have been a good idea.... I tried to get him to smoke some pot, which neither of us had yet smoked, but he wouldn't smoke any.... I didn't need too as I was just very relaxed and mellow and was enjoying odd thoughts for the first two hours like fantasies brought on by the Bendari music we listened too but after an hour the music stopped and I found my internal ideas, increasing.... and had two really incredible “folktale” stories form in my head and then I found myself moving around a lot doing quasi body energy exercises and my trip began to really increase in internal ideas, thoughts, like dreaming while awake but there was no sense of external world changing like with acid or shrooms. Internally though the visions were wild and vibrant and very like acid in terms of colors, patterns, abstract associations, metaphysical concepts and virtual realizations. Although visually my eyesight seemed enhanced like being on ecstasy as lights looked amazing as did art work and everything seemed just a little more pronounced and clear...

I ended up having some incredible emotional breakthroughs in terms of some psychological factors I have always had issues with about my childhood and I cried, laughed and found myself 'reliving my whole life' in particular certain instances and made some revelations about significance of these situations I had never before thought of and more I came to have a increasing sense of “Understanding” to what made me the way I am, was, my beliefs, my thoughts my feelings and my relationships with my parents and family and more in relation too to the world and people and found that as I thought about any subject I gained a real sympathetic, understanding to things and how they relate to the world and was amazed by acid like metaphysical fractal visions, third eye correlating things together…I felt extremely calm and clear headed and very ego aware. I also found myself thinking that the disorientation/motion sickness isn’t that at all but rather its realizing the earths energy and remembering how to move with it which as kids we all know and do inherently and that’s why as I thought of childhood movements I would not get sick... and literally I found myself behaving as I did as a kid even to the way I smiled differently as a kid and other odd physiological behaviors I displayed as a kid I found myself doing that I had forgotten I did. I felt like I was who I was as a little kid and amazed how I had grown to be…and I felt very happy go lucky, easily amused, and I cried I understand from the beautiful processions of my life and the world visions.

Anyways long story short. It was a inner journey for me that has changed /remembered myself on a most basic level. My perception of morning glory is that it is a internal acid of the mind where as acid is a journey of the mind and body in the external world; morning glory is all about inner journey... and I think the more “in touch you feel” with the earth and with metaphysical understandings and associations and the more comfortable with yourself that you are as a person and appreciate life, and open to empathizing with others and accepting others and willing to expand your mind and make new belief’s you will enjoy morning glory. The more Earth Oriented you are the more you will enjoy it.

I think Dramamine can help with the motion sickness but I think by taking such negates much of the importance of the sensation/experience because to me that sensation once I was able to enjoy it and remember it as a child for the movement of the earth I was fine... I think also having a little something in the stomach particularly oatmeal was very beneficial. I think also taking anything less then 200 will probably make you just sick, and once the experience was over I found the last 30 minutes to be extremely lucid and a very positive moment to define new and better ways to lead my life.

After our trip my boyfriend fully recovered by the 6th hour...we ate a little bit and just chilled with some japanimations and video games...which I found the videogames to be too violent now and wondered why they couldn't make video games about exploring and healing and adventure but not violence, and so contented myself with a glowing light pen I have as I wrote down ideas gained thru my experience.

Later that night by midnight my boyfriend was sound asleep but I found I couldn't sleep and drank a lot of milk, which seemed to settle me. I ended up the next day extremely tired and continuously drank milk and ate lots of sweets and slept.
Anyways, Morning Glory is definitely earth positive. I completely recommend it if you are looking open to a very spiritually earth awareness inner journey. I have decided to again go vegetarian!

Thanks and be safe.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13344
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2005Views: 11,015
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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