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I Just Have to Try
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Wavetrppr. "I Just Have to Try: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp13760)". Jun 21, 2007.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Alright, I'll start off with a little background info on my previous drug use, just because I like it when other people do that. The only drugs I tried in high school was weed. I hadn't tried anything else until my freshman year in college, but when I got there I had rolled (Ecstacy) many times and tried other little things like opium and a bunch of amphetamines. My first encounter with psychadelics, however, was mushrooms, which seemed to be a successful trip at the time, but looking back on my latest experience, I realize that I didn't have the respect one should have for this 'ticket' to another world. The past two weeks I have been reading a lot about mushrooms, which gave me a lot of preparation for my second trip, which was yesterday, April 4.

Anyways, me, my roommate, and three other friends, who are all more experienced with shrooms and acid, decided to get an eighth of shrooms each from the same person we got the first batch from. We figured we had a good time last time and they were the perfect potency for a fun afternoon. So we hopped on a train to Philly's cultural Love Park. We ate our eighths on the train, each was crushed up and cooked into a molded chocolate. Like so many say, man did it hit us fast. Five to ten minutes after we ate them we started getting the 'giggles' that are usually present in the beginning of my trips. My roommate broke out my video camera we decided to take with us and filmed my friend, who always love to talk philosophy when he's bent, dictating why he wanted to go into a profession dealing with drugs. About 30 minutes on the train, and a lot of words floating around on the posters on the train walls, we got off our now strange vessel and started walking down the street towards the park.

We decided afterwards to call this part of our trip 'Sensory Ave.', as we walked down the warm, sunny, glowing sidewalk just observing our intensified senses. On our journey, I remember spitting, which happened a lot both times I tripped. As my saliva hit the ground my friend in front of me turned around real quick with a surprised look on his face. Apparently he felt the sound of my spit hitting the ground on his arm. We all thought this was extremely funny and started cracking up, getting a couple weird looks from passing pedestrians, or so we thought. However, the most profound part of this part of the trip was the sounds and smells I experienced, as the visuals had not kicked in just yet.

As cars passed me and my friend who I 'spit on' before, we'll call him 'Spit', noticed the music from various passing cars on the street. The music from the radios, all of a sudden, seemed to merge with the all of the city sounds we were hearing. The whole city became our stereo and we were just grooving down the street to sirens, hissing steam, and random clangs of metal. We stopped inside an old stone building, which I think was a library but I'm not sure, and stared up at the stone figures carved in the celing and walls in and outside portion of the building which a sidewalk went through. I started feeling pretty nauseous then but I distracted myself by watching a statue with a pitchfork work the fields because some artist had put him there. The marble walls were very noticeable too. The black markings on grey stoned appeared to my eyes as if someone with a paint brush was flicking the black paint from the brush onto the wall. At that point we decided we needed to get out in the sun of Love Park and feel the vibe that was beginning to come on strong.

When we got to the park we saw at least 20 skateboarders pulling wicked tricks off the large fountain in the middle of the park. This drained fountain seemed to be some sort of black hole, and the courageous skateboarders were teasing its awesome power by skating right up to the edge of the opening, which was about to suck them in. I almost got stuck on this until Spit asked me if I wanted to hack for a while. We broke out the hackey sack in the bright sun in the middle of the park with skateboarders zooming by us. 'This activity put me in such a good mood', I kept saying to myself. I felt so good! It now occurs to me that the synergy and energy me and my friend were sharing by keeping the hackey sack in the air formed a bond, like we were both putting all our energy into keeping the hack in the air. Surprisingly I kicked the hackey sack with a lot of energy, even though I was in a dull, mushy, trippy mood. After about 20 minutes of the five of us playing around in the sun, we decided we needed to roll something.

We walked over to a stone bench at the other side of the park and my friend went to roll a blunt in the bathroom of a store nearby. He came back about 20 minutes later, which seemed to be at least an hour or two at the time, and we chilled with a blunt for a little while. I don't know about most people, but in my experiences smoking herb when I'm shrooming calms me down a lot, or takes the anxious edge of shrooms away for a while. Maybe its because I smoke a lot, I mean a lot and I love it, but who knows. Anyway, after smoking the blunt my friends and I walked over to another bench to get away from the smoke. When we sat down again my roommate commented that these shrooms were a ripoff and he wasn't feeling anything anymore, and we all agreed. Little did we know we were just stoned, and we were all about to be launched into another world.

Yah, we were in the muck of it now, about an hour and a half after eating our beautiful fungus. Spit brought a skateboard and started skating around, an idea I couldn't even comprehend doing at this point. I started getting really cold in the shade, but I didn't want to move. I remember shivering a lot and watching my friends play around in the park. I remembered the wise words of many, 'It's the drug, let go, go with it, have fun', but I couldn't. It seemed at that point that this inner coldness began overshadowing my visuals, which I remembered being pretty sucky. All I felt was emotions, either extremely good and warm, or extremely bad and cold. I saw the blissful emotions in my mind as etchings made by skateboarders on the edge of the fountain, and the horrible ones as black space in between the etchings. I guess I was visibly shaking then, because Spit skated over and asked me what was wrong. I told him I was really really cold. I looked up at him and straight into his eyes as he pushed the skateboard over to me with his foot. I knew right then he wanted me to try, and he was completely genuine in his offer that nothing bad was going to happen.

I realize this is going to sound really cheesy, but during my 'cold' period, I kept reminding myself I had to let go in order to see something beautiful, but nothing beautiful came to my mind. I was searching for a vision, like I had been searching for something in my life. I realized I didn't know where I was going, what I wanted to do with my life, or what my personality was. In any case, I decided I needed to get on the skateboard and just try, as I have tried skateboarding before and sucked. I put my foot on and felt really off balance, but I pushed with my other foot and cruised about 50 feet away and came back with a huge smile on my face. Spit smiled back with a huge grin and said, 'See man, you just have to try, that’s all you have to do.' Obviously, he was so right.

I saw myself sitting on the bench a few minutes ago closed up to everyone else, and realized how shy I was, even around my friends. I've been quiet my whole life and it has always been something that's bothered me. I now realize that all I have to do is try, say what I'm thinking, and people will respect that, whether they like what I am like or not. After that I was in a great mood, tripping my balls off again with my friends. My roommate brought three tennis balls he juggles on the edge of the fountain, and as they went up into the air everything else was grey besides the bright, bright, glowing yellow tennis balls. I know this doesn't seem like a significant part of my trip, but the colors were amazing. The rest of the evening wasn't too exciting.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13760
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2007Views: 4,273
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Mushrooms (39) : Relationships (44), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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