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Light Literally Frozen in Place
Citation:   2cbnewbie. "Light Literally Frozen in Place: An Experience with 2C-B & MDMA (exp14075)". Oct 7, 2002.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral MDMA  
  T+ 1:40 50 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:35 1 tablet oral Pharms - Diazepam  
As a point of reference, everyone involved in this experience was extremely familiar with practically every hallucinogen known to man, *except* 2CB.

Fortune had recently smiled upon our group, as a trusted source managed to acquire 10 capsules (25mg each) of pure 2CB. The term 'capsule' is a bit of an understatement- perhaps 'horse pill' would be more appropriate. They were 1' long and 1/4' in diameter. Too big, in fact, for one member of our group to swallow. She resorted to pouring the contents into a glass of orange juice, which didn't help much since the stuff is pretty unsoluable in water. After drinking the juice there was still a sticky sludge of 2cb left in the bottom of the glass.

Anyway, we had heard that 2CB is normally a short visual trip, around 45 minutes, but when taken during the peak of an MDMA trip the effects can be extended much longer. In our case, the effects continued at least 4 hours after onset.

Let me preface this description by saying that the combo of MDMA and 2CB is quite literally the BEST empathogenic/hallucinatory experience I've ever had. Utterly amazing.

8:00pm - MDMA down the hatch
8:30pm - typical 'am I feeling something?' questions all around
8:50pm - yes, I am.

9:30pm - everyone is rolling their collective asses off- tons of energy, conversation flows quickly from cosmology to genetics to theology. We had completely forgotten about taking the 2CB, until someone noticed the 10 large pills spread out on a mirror in the bathroom. :)

9:40pm - 2CB down the hatch, except for 'D' who gagged on the second 25mg capsule and coughed it up. (as mentioned previously)

10:30 - MDMA peak effects are pretty much over with, and everyone is languishing around giving backrubs and listening to an Orbital CD. We don't feel the 2CB at all. We just feel relaxed and somewhat tired. Some rumblings about being ripped off- which should have been warning enough since that feeling with regard to any drug is almost inevitably followed by quick onset..

10:35 - I notice the wallpaper (oriental design with gold embossed texture) has started to flow, almost exactly like a low dose mushroom trip. I point this fact out to the group, and suddenly everyone sits up alert and sees the same thing. Like a switch being turned on, our mood brightened and everyone stood up with newfound energy.

I'll skip the time demarcations from this point on, as I quit keeping track of the clock and found it too difficult to make notes of any substantive linearity.

The next 4 hours were spent wandering around the house and backyard, looking for new and interesting visual treasures. Whenever a member of the group would find something particularly trippy, they would call everyone else over to examine it for themselves!

'Look at this brass doorknob- it is a pulsing star of some kind'
'Oh, god, you're right'

'Look at the cat's fur- it is standing straight up like a porcupine, but still feels soft!'
'Oh, I see it too!'

But the most intense hallucinations were by far those that dealt with light sources of all kinds. Desk lamps, flashlights, blacklights, even city lights seen outside the window. In particular, we experienced one effect that we still can't explain:

In the dining room there was a chandelier, with 8 crystal bulbs and various dangling prism-esque bits of glass adornment. Clearly visible to everyone were the individual light rays coming from it.

Everyone has experienced starburst patterns at night when looking at a bright light source- well that is NOT what we saw. We saw individual rays of light extending from the lamps, heading outwards in straight lines, laser-like in precision. The part we can't explain is that the lines were perfectly fixed in their geometry, no matter if we walked in a circle around the light, or if we stood next to it, or laid on the floor and tilted our heads sideways. It was if a giant 'light model' was in the middle of the dining room, with its source the chandelier. Each ray of light stayed fixed in position no matter what angle it was viewed from. These rays were mainly yellow, but often shifted towards bright gold and occasionally green. They were ABSOLUTELY real to us- we could reach out our hands and touch their locations as if they were crystaline strands suspended in air.

It was so incredible that we spent about 2 hours playing in the light, unable to comprehend what was happening. Were we actually seeing something that was actually there- but was only revealed by the 2CB mind-state? Yes, we were tripping, but we were rational enough to know we were seeing something we'd never viewed even on high level LSD or shroom trips.

After about 4 hours of 2CB visual effects, we all decided it was time to sleep and took a valium in order to counteract the slight body load and anxiety that was starting to creep in. An hour after the valium, we were all soundly asleep.

The next day we felt quite a bit of a hangover, but were still amazed by what we had seen. We are definitely looking forward to trying this combo again, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to explore the depths of visual perception and the beauty of light itself.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14075
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2002Views: 15,413
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MDMA (3), 2C-B (52) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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