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Confusion and Extreme Memory Loss
Citation:   A Random kat. "Confusion and Extreme Memory Loss: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp14413)". Aug 5, 2005.

7.5 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
This started at about 10:30 pm.

T=0: Ingested 5 mg of Ambien. A friend (we'll call him Q) did so as well.

T+0:05: Mild effects. Ingested 1/3 of a 5 mg pill (give or take 1/5) I don't remember how much more Q took. I think it was 1/2 of a 5 mg pill.

T+0:07: Strong effects. Sedated, but not quite tired.

T+0:15: Went to the bathroom. A bit of trouble walking.

T+0:20: Effects are strong. Still not tired, but I'd easily be able to sleep if I tried. I think it's because it slows the breathing, more than drowsiness.

T+0:45(ish): Lost track of time around here. We were in Q's garage, fiddling with sticks and little hand-held power tools (for stripping bark and whatnot). Tried to make walking canes, I think. It was hard to get music loud enough to hear. Everything was loud, yet silent. Confusion and extreme memory loss occurs.

Lost track of time…

About an hour after ingestion, I purged. I didn't notice myself purging. I just saw a strange liquid coming out of my mouth. I did a half-assed job cleaning it up, but I think I forgot about it whilst cleaning it. I lay down on a lawn chair (that reclines). I cover up with blankets and rest my head on a pillow. I talk with Q for a bit. We both comment on the people in the room. It feels crowded, like we're in a mall. The people aren't as real as anti-cholinergic hallucinations, but we can't tell if they are real or not. Something in the back of my head tells me they aren't.

I get up. I didn't fall asleep. I think I put in a different CD (my memory is extremely fuzzy). Either way, it felt like the CD played for about five minutes before it was over. I don't recall hearing a note.

We talk to each other a bit. Short, strained mumbles inform us that we are, in fact, quite delirious. We don't remember anything, so I think we had a few conversations twice (or thrice). Again, extreme confusion, and there is no longer a memory to lose.

At some point, we decided to go back inside. We forget his CD player outside (and playing, perhaps), and a pillow, and probably a few other things. Interestingly, neither of us smoked a cigarette the entire time. That's pretty good, considering at the point we both had a pack a day habit.

We get inside, and I think it was 4:30 or so. I don't recall. It was early morning, shortly before sunrise. I don't think I made it to a bed or a couch, I recall waking up on the floor, at about noon the next day. Aside from aches from sleeping on the floor, we both feel completely normal.

I should note that Ambien is somewhat of a dangerous drug to take in dosages above those recommended by a doctor. It slows breathing, which can be very dangerous for an active person.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14413
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2005Views: 17,635
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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