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My Mind DId Things I Didn't Know It Could
by Link
Citation:   Link. "My Mind DId Things I Didn't Know It Could: An Experience with LSD (exp15651)". Jan 18, 2018.

2 hits   LSD (gel tab)
I think it opens up a part of my mind that would otherwise stay closed. It gives me a new perspective on life.
I have tripped many times, but the time that I felt it the most was when I took 2 geltabs with many of my friends. First, after about 40 minutes after ingestion, everyone became overwhelmed with euphoria to the extreme. A smile became plastered on each of our faces. Everything seemed so funny and I became incredibly happy. But, we didn't actually start seeing visuals until a couple of hours later. Slowly, you start thinking of some crazy shit that seems to make perfect sense. Its impossible to explain exactly what trippin is like, is has be to experienced.

Once the visuals started it was amazing. I never thought the mind could do crazy shit like that. And it's great because you think clearly while seeing awsome hallucinations. First, we went outside and sat under the stars in this vine-covered patio. Everything twisted around and looked a bit fucked up. I started moving my hand around this table and it looked likt the whole table was spinning in mid-air.

Another visual was when we were inside. I sat at the top of the stair looking down at the brown carpet. The whole carpet looked like a pool of quicksand. It looked like they, my friends, were sinking into the carpet. And in the kitchen it looked like the floor was a grate with some goo spilling up through the cracks. Every slight crack in the wall would look like a huge hole and would pulsate bigger than smaller. I could also see sound in a way. The walls would move to the beat of the music, like huge drums.

We stayed up the whole night and my friend, who's a dumbass had to work the next day. We convinced him that he had to ride 10 miles to work on a bike because there was no way he could get a ride. Actually, his mom could have given him a ride, but we convinced him otherwise. He ended up riding all the way to work on a shitty bike with flat tires at 4:00 in the morning. It was the funniest shit ever. I remember everything about the night, but most of it just can't be explained with words, at least unless a person has tried it and knows what I'm talking about.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 15651
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2018Views: 1,115
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LSD (2) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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