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Amusement Parks While High
Citation:   Kameelia. "Amusement Parks While High: An Experience with Cannabis (exp16049)". Jun 29, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was the 4th of July and I went to my good friend, Robert's house for the night. When I got there he was packin' a bowl. I had smoked weed before, but I NEVER thought weed could do this to me. I smoked that bowl with him and I felt a 'normal' high (reality seen as a picture show, etc.) within a very short amount of time.

We watched the infamous, stoner's favorite movie, 'Half Baked.' Our friend Kris came over after that and we smoked another bowl. Then I put one together and we smoked it (I make a TIGHT bowl!). Afterwards, we WALKED to Kris's house and I felt like I was floating, like my feet weren't touching the ground. I didn't talk much either..I don't think I talked at all really. But we got to Kris's house and went to the basement where the band equipment is set up and all.

Robert started playing guitar and it echoed in my head as I sat on the l33t0 couch watching Kris messing with the sound. We decided to go upstairs, stairs, not a good idea, they don't look real. When we got up there they supplied me with my own water bong to toke up on, plus Robert brought his bowl and Kris had Robert's water b-iz-ong too. I smoked mine, and helped them smoke their's.

You know when you over-focus your eyes and everything gets blurry? Well that's what happend, but it was constantly. I just sat there and watched TV. I didn't blink. That's not even the beginning of the story though. I got home at around 12midnight (my mom picked me up). The next morning I had to get up at 6:30 to go to Hershey Park with my friend, Jamie. Even though the high was pretty much gone, I still didn't feel 'myself'.

Everything that happened felt like a dream 5 minutes (or so it seemed) later. We rode ALL of the rollercoasters and none of them scared me. I was just like, 'Let's go for it.' Because I had no remembrance of it afterwards. I saw a picture of me on one of the coasters and I was all 'zoned out' like I was just sitting at home like a lazy ass as usual. I'm kind of upset that I got to miss the reality of the Amusement Park being that I don't get to go to them often. But the feeling was great! I had to literally hold on to Jamie because I wasn't aware of where I was, what I was doing, or where I was going. The munchies hit me later though and I had to pay $20 in Hershey for a pizza!

This really didn't wear off until later that night when I was getting ready to go to sleep. I must say it was great, but I wouldn't choose weed as a 'choice drug'. I like to know how reality works, I want to be able to dig deep into everything when I'm on a drug. That's why I now choose to do Amphetamines as opposed to forgetting things and acting dumb. But that's another story. Everything is Eventual.

P.S. My mom never knew that I was high, but the other night when one of my other friends stayed the night. She thought we were high as hell and it took a lot of convincing for her to believe that we weren't.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16049
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2018Views: 828
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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