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Like a Drink, but Shorter, with Euphoria
Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen)
Citation:   Herb O' Earth. "Like a Drink, but Shorter, with Euphoria: An Experience with Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen) (exp16099)". May 2, 2005.

5.0 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  500 mg oral Acetaminophen  
10:30 p.m. Bodyweight 120 lbs. Taken on an Empty Stomach

Cannabis had been consumed nightly in small amounts, yet it has been some time since I was on any prescription medication, illicit substance, or nutritional supplement. (Many Many Months)

I remember some time ago I had heard of some of my peers discuss taking the Vicodin pills as a recreational substance, often at a party accompanied with some alcohol. I had never come across the pills myself and disregarded the fact of its recreational use. Some time later a friend of mine was involved in an automobile accident and was administered the drug to ease the pain. I was able to attain a number of these pills and decided to experiment. Having never taken Hydrocodone before I started with only one pill 5mg not knowing if I was allergic or would have any adverse effects. I decided against any alcohol at all with my experiments thinking that it would intensify the effects to a degree that I could not measure.

I decided to experiment on a calm quiet night when I would not be disturbed. The main reason that I experimented was that I was completely out of cannabis and was quite bored. Before administering the 5mg I set the lighting low and gathered anything I thought I might want so I wouldn’t have to bother later. I took the pill on an empty stomach and with a tall glass of water. I first felt effects at 11:07 p.m. when I noticed that my lower back pain was gone. I often experience this mild pain from sitting in my cheap desk chair, which lacks sufficient lumbar support. My vision also seemed what I would describe as shifty since I could not concentrate on one thing too long. At 11:22 p.m. I removed myself from the chair that I was residing in and felt as though my equilibrium was disturbed. I would describe the whole experience like having a drink although it was shorter and I felt a mild euphoria. This is what I was seeking anyways to alleviate the boredom.

Next time I would plan to take two pills for a stronger effect and plan to remove the acetaminophen so I can have just the hydrocodone. I didn’t experience any adverse effects unless I can’t handle a little stumbling around if I get up. It wasn’t severe at all really. The whole experience seemed quite harmless and I plan to take more hydrocodone at one time to obtain greater effects.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16099
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 2, 2005Views: 41,443
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Hydrocodone (111) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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