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Utterly Gone
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   CyberChump. "Utterly Gone: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp16514)". Erowid.org. Jun 28, 2005. erowid.org/exp/16514

T+ 0:00
4.5 oz oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 4.5 oz oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 4 oz oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
This experience was by no means my first with alcohol and I have drunk much greater quantities than this, but as a result of the speed at which I consumed the booze, this is the most drunk I have ever been.

I was going through a minor depression of sorts, and I really wanted to just have a few beers with my friends. It was a Saturday evening, and I had done nothing exciting the whole weekend thus far. I was itchin' to be in an altered state of mind. I made some phone calls but everyone was unavailable. I figured I'd just buy a little thing of booze and get a slight buzz going and relax in my bedroom.

Telling my parents that I was going for a bike ride (I am 21 but live at home; my parents don't mind drinking but would disapprove of my drinking alone) I headed down to the Liquor Commission and bought a mickey (13oz) of Bacardi white rum. I got on my bike and headed out to a semi-secluded wooded area where I lay on the riverbank and forced down a few shots. I probably had about 4.5 ounces or so. Feeling a slight buzz, I stuffed some gum in my mouth, stuck the mickey in my pants under my shirt, and returned home. I poured a huge glass of orange juice and went back to my room. I drank about a third of the OJ and poured rum in until it was full again. It wasn't too nasty, and I kept gulping it while I watched TV. I had a bit of a buzz, but not much, so after the OJ was gone, I finished the rest of the bottle. I laid down in my bed and stared at the ceiling, wondered why I wasn't very drunk.

That is the last thing I remember.

I woke up at 5:30 am with a blinding headache and a bone-dry mouth. I had a vague recollection of a dream where I vomited on my friend's coffee table and his parents banned me from their home. There was so much vomit I knew it had to be a dream. Although I was painfully hung over, I was relieved to wake from my awful dream. I knew I had been drunk the night before, and figured I had just passed out in front of the TV, but I could remember nothing.

Something was wrong though. It was the middle of winter, and I had awoke wearing only my briefs. Even in the summer I always wear a t-shirt to bed.

I stood up and wracked my brain. An image of me hugging my own toilet popped into my head. I checked the toilet and there was no evidence of vomit. I guess I had remembered to flush. I was quite alarmed that I had zero recollection of the previous night's events. I went downstairs to see if I had knocked anything over or something, because I could have done anything and I'd never remember.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs the smell hit me. Wretched, rancid puke smell. I looked into the living room and there it was: the coffee table was absolutely COVERED in puke except for two places: where I had tried to wipe it with my shirt, and where I had tried to wipe it with my pants. Evidently I didn't make much of an effort to clean it before deciding it was hopeless and going back to bed I guess.

I cleaned my puke reasonably well before my parents saw it, but when my dad asked me why I was up so early I said it was to clean up my puke (I was still half-drunk). He assumed I had gone to a bar the night before, until my mom told him I was home the whole night. My parents asked me if I was having 'problems' and I said no, and that I had learned my lesson about drinking alone. I had.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16514
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2005Views: 10,985
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Alone (16), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Hangover / Days After (46)

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