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Rapid Heart Beat
Cannabis (Northern Light)
Citation:   J-MAN. "Rapid Heart Beat: An Experience with Cannabis (Northern Light) (exp16519)". Dec 2, 2003.

0.33 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Im a college student enjoying my summer. Im not a weed veteran but I have probably had about 15 joints in my life. I have smoked even strains such as white widow. I had found a weed connection w/ some people in Canada. They sold me a gram of northern light weed for 15 dollars. The weed had orange hairs.

After one toke I started coughing. I had to move to another area where nobody could hear me. Every toke caused me to cough. Its effects became immediate as I stood up. Everything became shaky and distant. Walking became a little harder for me and I had the urge to laugh even though I was all alone. It became stronger within 5 minutes. I started to see colors in everything I shadowed (red and blue streaks). The computer screen was like 3d. But what made it a very scary experience was that my heart began to beat faster then I could ever imagine my heart beating. I thought my heart was going to come out my chest. I pus my hand over my heart and could feel the pulse going so fast that it was like at a constant high speed. I tried everything to relax and when I finally was relaxed my heart was still at an extreme rate. The high would have been great if I took out the rapid heart beat. That night I was up an extra few hours because I was very awake.

The next day I smoked just a little nugget that was like 1/8 of the gram that I had left over. Just this little tidbit alone gave me chest pain (although I didnt have the rapid heart beat. I have a theory that it could be since I have depression that my heart is more prone for rapid beat after smoking marijuana. I have come to this conclusion based on reading another smokers reaction being the same as mine and he had depression also. But its more likely that I smoked some killer weed that is known to the world as a strong weed.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16519
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 2, 2003Views: 12,519
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Cannabis (1) : Depression (15), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Various (28)

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