Homemade San Pedro Alchohol Extraction
Mescaline from San Pedro
Citation:   Muad'Dib. "Homemade San Pedro Alchohol Extraction: An Experience with Mescaline from San Pedro (exp16840)". Erowid.org. Aug 17, 2002. erowid.org/exp/16840

T+ 0:00
28 g oral Cacti - columnar (plant material)
  T+ 0:15 28 g oral Cacti - columnar (plant material)
  T+ 0:30 28 g oral Cacti - columnar (plant material)
  T+ 0:45 28 g oral Cacti - columnar (plant material)
I followed the recipe found in Psychedelic Shamanism by Jim DeKorne for this extraction. About 16 inches of San Pedro 3 1/2 inches in diameter was reduced to 113grams of powder and extracted with vodka over the next couple of months. I had the extract in this tarry form for a year and a half and only last night did I decide to eat it. I had heard that peyote found in ancient burial chambers was still active today, so I figured the mescaline would not degrade. Perhaps I was wrong...

10:10pm- Ingested .25 of the extract

10:30pm- Ingested .25 of the extract (possible effects already being felt

10:45pm- Ingested .25 of the extract

11:00pm- Ingested the rest of the extract, slowly growing stronger

11:30pm- Slowly growing stronger, drinking water

11:45pm- NO NAUSEA SO FAR!! Slight jaw clenching

12:03am- Going for a walk

12:55am- Got back from walk

1:14am- I feel pretty trippy, but can still hold it together to talk to someone, drank some juice

1:30am- went to sleep, still fazing in and out, got up a couple of times to pee

7:48am- Woke up, I feel pretty 'normal'

So Mescalito was gentle with me and I am extremely grateful that I experienced NO nausea the whole time. The trip was mild and peaceful...I felt really loving. It is hard to say how hard I was tripping, at times it felt like a full dose of LSD, and other times it was harder to tell if it was placebo. I guess if I was tripping very hard I should not have been able to sleep (it is a psychedelic amphetamine), but I think perhaps my own psychology overpowered the effects of the drug. I used to trip out hard, but then again I did not know myself like I do now. Spiritually I feel very at balance, there are not many parts of my everyday psyche that are unexplored. Last night I was thinking that 'ok, this progress needs to be stepped up to the next level of internal silence'...

One other thing that should be noted is an aphrodesiac effect, as I was in my room going to sleep I was seriously considering seducing my housemate who was hanging out in the living room. I had been thinking about doing this in the previous days, but I feel like the mescaline gave me a confidence that would be bound to say yes if I asked in the correct way. I ended up deciding this would be a bad move for me and if I was going to make it I should do so when completely sober.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16840
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 17, 2002Views: 24,502
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