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It All Seemed Like Nothing
Dimenhydramine & Caffiene
Citation:   psybrad. "It All Seemed Like Nothing: An Experience with Dimenhydramine & Caffiene (exp17121)". Jun 10, 2005.

250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Ok, to start... this is some pretty crazy shit. Don't ever underestimate it, and don't ever give up on your trip with this stuff; it took me 7 hours to start hallucinating and seeing people.

Anyways, at around 9 p.m. me and my friend (we'll call him J) took 10 pills each of Benedryl Allergy pills, each containing 25mgs of diphenhydramine (about the same thing as dimenhydinate) over a period of about 45 minutes. For the sleepiness, we each took one tablet. After about 20 minutes, I started to feel different/ a little spacey. J noticed it, too. We just spent the next hour or so after that just chillin' around my room.

As we chilled we noticed we were falling deeper and deeper into this weird, spaced out feeling. The weird thing about this feeling is that it isn't euphoric at all, but just.... different. Usually on other things such as DXM and such when you start to feel the effects coming on it starts to become more fun. But with this stuff it doesn't at all. We also noticed learned about this stuff's tendency to make you sleepy. We decided to light some incense and turn on my blue electric lamp thing which was usually present in all our trips. The next few hours (from about 10 till 2 or 3) consisted of watching the lamp and the incense smoke in front of it, or going downstairs to get food. A strange thing I'd notice later; although I was actually pretty fucked up (it was kind of hard to walk, everything in my vision seemed REALLY bold, but at the same time kind of blurry), it all seemed like nothing. It seemed normal. It wasn't all too fun, but at the same time I wasn't bored the slightest bit either.

Right around 1:00 a.m. or so we started notice things were harder to focus on, especially since it was so dark in my room (the only light in my room was from the electrical lightning lamp thing and computer). From this came slight hallucinations; I noticed my bean bag kept growing this arm then it'd lose it and grow it back on the other side, and my chair kept wiggling and reminding me of a snail. My friend J kept looking at my gatorade bottle (it was breathing like crazy he said), and my bookcase (he saw a tiger creature moving around in it). I sat on the bed a sec and my mind started racing with useless thoughts, but everything was so REAL. I had VERY clear thoughts and they were very detailed, but they were more of dreams. It wasn't really thinking but more of seeing things with my eyes closed, like dreaming. But they were all so clear and I could snap out of it whenever I wanted. I asked J if he was noticing this too and he was. But, as with all the other stuff that was happening, I didn't think of it as anything special or fun.

4:00 rolled on by and around this time my friend had decided to lay down (him on the top bunk, me on the bottom one) and give up on seeing any great hallucinations. I didn't want to give up on the drug quite yet, so I decided to occupy myself by lying down and listening to some of Nirvana's CD, Nevermind. I am GLAD I decided to do this. The music from my cd player seemed HEAVENLY. It was soo much more in depth with all kinds of background music and all these extras I'd never notice. There was so much happening in the music, and it was slightly overwhelming, but great. I'd never noticed how truly great this cd was. I listened to the first 5 songs or so when I 'heard' some REALLY loud knocks on the door. Inside of me I had a feeling it might be just an auditory hallucination, but at the same time I was very afraid it might be my parents coming up to yell at me for still being awake. I went to the door and was VERY surprised when I didn't see anything there. I checked up and down the stairs next to my door, too. No one. I went back to my room feeling stupid but at the same time kind of relieved; I was finally getting the kind of hallucinations I was looking for when I first decided to take this stuff. I had a good feeling I'd get more.

Once in my room I decided to lay down for a sec, and once again the 'thought dreams' came back. I snapped out of it every now and then, and one time (about 5 minutes after the door knocking incident) I started looking around to see if anything new was different. Then I noticed something new in the corner. It was my friend J, standing there in the corner staring at the closet door. I asked him what he was doing, and then I heard him answer 'thinking' from my top bunk. I looked up at the top bunk, then the corner, and noticed he was gone. Then I realized I must have been hallucinating. I said nevermind to my friend and thought about what happened for a little bit.

Once again a few minutes later my mind went blank and resorted to 'think dreaming'. Then I snapped out of it once again and saw J standing there with a soda in his hand, and he had his hand stretched out toward the door. I wondered why he was standing there, and asked him. Then I heard J say from the top bunk 'What? I'm not standing up'. Then I quickly realized what happened, told him 'Nevermind', and went back to 'think dreaming'.

Shortly afterwards I saw J looking into my minifridge, wondered how he got down from the top bunk so quietly, and went back to the thought dreams. I awoke from them again a few minutes later and he was still there, and so this time I told him 'Hurry up you're letting out all the cold air'. Once again I heard him on the top bunk, confused, and then told him to nevermind.

I decided to get up, and stretch a sec to see how it'd feel (don't know why I was wondering). Then I looked at my computer chair and saw an old friend, who I didn't see too much anymore, looking at the wall. I started waving to her, and she made a funny face back. I responded with a funny face of my own, and then asked her what she was doing here. She said some STUPID reason that made NO sense, but I just said 'oh'. Then I said 'Wait, are you real?'. Then I made a closer look and there was just an empty computer chair. I started thinking 'WHOA!!' and then realized what happened.

A short time later I looked back at my computer chair and noticed that under it there was a light. I wondered if someone was working on my computer, then my dad appeared from under the chair. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was working on my computer. I started noding to my friend to not mention anything that would give away our present state. My dad said he was tired then closed his eyes and started bouncing his head up and down. At this point I got confused, then said 'Are you real?' and reached out to touch him. Then suddenly he disapeared. I looked up at J in the top bunk and he was sleeping.

I got back to laying down, and I opened my eyes and saw a friend from school sitting on my drawers. I asked him what he wanted, then he started asking me how to do Uber tricks in the PS2 game, SSX Tricky. I started telling him, but I remember it was really hard to talk and I ended up saying something that had nothing to do with the game. At that point J said 'What the hell are you talking about', and then I realized my other friend wasn't real. At this point I promised myself to not believe anymore of these hallucinations because I'd get really annoyed when they disapeared.

I decided to go to bed, and I thought for a little bit, then looked around my room and noticed J and another one of my old friends. They were talking about how much I was hallucinating and I told them to shutup. Then I said 'I know you guys aren't real, so go away'. But they didn't go away, and kept talking about me. I decided to ignore them and go to sleep.

I woke up the next day and told my friend about it, and he didn't seem to believe me. He told me he couldn't stop think dreaming, and that's all that happened to him. I didn't have any hangover or anything, but I was just kind of tired.

Later that day we were bored and decided to go to my friend J's house that night and trip Benedryl again. I decided it would be ok, because I'd read something about this stuff being ok to do habitually, so us doing it two nights in a row shouldn't hurt us. I was wrong.

That night we took 18 pills, or 500mgs of diphenhydramine over a period of 35 minutes. We didn't take any caffiene because J wanted to definitely feel at least what I'd felt the previous night, and he didn't want there to be any chance of the caffiene interfering. Another mistake.

After about 20 minutes, I decided to go to the bathroom from J's room. Tonight the effects had come on a couple times harder, and walking was already hard. His hallway was almost pitch black and I seemed to take 20 minutes to make it to his bathroom. I did my business, took another while down his hallway, and went back to J's room. He asked me why I took so long and I told him his hallway was long and dark. He understood. He suggested we go to the guestroom and chill with his electric piano and await the stronger effects.

When we arrived, after going through the dark hallway again, I noticed it'd kicked in even more. But at the time this seemed like nothing, and all I wanted to do was hallucinate people. J wanted the same thing. So we sat around his room for lack of things to do, and I noticed the floor moving, and the walls breathing BIG TIME. They extended 5 feet out like they were pregnant, then I'd blink and it'd go away. We got bored and decided to go downstairs.

There we went to his kitchen, and I got some rice krispees and poured them into a cup and started trying to drink them. J pointed out what I'd done and I said 'Oh, right. I'll just transport them to a bowl'. Then me and J just left the room, and I left the cup with the krispees in it there on the counter.

From there I don't remember much, but that I went downstairs again later and started tip toeing because I was afraid J's mom would think I'm the dog (???? aha).

I awoke at 9 on a couch downstairs, and didn't remember a THING. I went upstairs and J was asleep in his bed. I told him I didn't remember a thing, and he said he didn't either. I felt something in my pocket, reached in, and discovered his brother's Ritalin. I had NO IDEA how it got there, or why.

Over the course of the next few hours we investigated and slowly remembered most of it. But what we don't remember is after the rice krispees part. I only know we went upstairs, were VERY tired, then some reason I went downstairs, started tiptoeing, at some point went into the cupboard and put his brother's Ritalin in my pocket (I don't know if I actually had any of it, lol).

Also, after around 12 I started getting a headache, and now I've had that headache on and off for the last week almost. One time I even came close to throwing up. I almost did, but I kept it in.

My conclusions: take caffeine (you'll need it), don't take more than about 12 pills or so worth (otherwise you won't remember most of it, nor control most of it), and definitely do it with another person or it'll probably be boring as hell. Also, don't do it again as closely afterwards as I did. I wouldn't really want to do this drug more than once, and when you do it don't expect it to be all too fun, just VERY interesting. I'll be glad I did it for that purpose (as long as this buzz THAT I'M STILL FEELING ALMOST A WEEK LONGER, who knows how long it'll last). I wouldn't do it again unless it's like in combination with DXM or something.

As for the hallucinations: they come at random, you can't control them, they seem very real at the time (even after they've appeared out of no where sometimes), and the only way to snap out of them is to touch them or be distracted by something grounding; such as a friend asking what the hell you're talking about.

Yes, every person reacts VERY differently to this drug. I hallucinated to hell the first time. My friend felt my threshold effects (pretty much). But then again he also weighs 40 pounds more than me. Just be very careful. Remember, it's the stupid people who mess up with drugs that give drugs their bad name.


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17121
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2005Views: 14,409
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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