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AMT in the Band
by J
Citation:   J. "AMT in the Band: An Experience with AMT (exp1762)". Jun 12, 2000.

  oral AMT (capsule)
AMT is purchaseable by those with an export buddy uses my band to try this stuff on(with our permmission of course), and its excellent for musical collaboration. Sometimes we would all dose and play, sometimes one or two of us or some folks in our audience....always excellent music was made in concert.... rather inexpensive to buy from an american company (50usd for 10 good trips). I like it becuse its a tryptamine, which have the best reports on toxicity amongst thier reletives. (ie n,n-dmt is said to be 50x less toxic than mescaline when administered to mirror oneanotherīs effect levels) and can also be had with guarenteed purity (99%) in the sealed bottle (unless I give too much credit to the chemists involved at Burpee). Takes a long time to work when swallowed in a full over-stuffed OO capsule tastes wierd, smells like DMTīs looks like clean N,N-dmt(slightly orange) and is crystaline yet dissolvable in time we dipped sugarcubes in the saturated fluid for quite effective doses, and made increadable improve music, befor uncharted, yet later to be. I feel there must be a meter to guage the positive or negitive nature of a compound, for me its often music, for others it could be love making or painting or....hell maybe math even......maybe the experience during the petting zoo luv j.....hey that last one sounds good,... i love lamaz-n-lambs alot!!!

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 1762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2000Views: 4,341
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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