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It Just Takes Once
Citation:   Meghan. "It Just Takes Once: An Experience with Cocaine (exp1808)". Erowid.org. Jun 14, 2000. erowid.org/exp/1808

  insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
The only reason I ever tried it was because my best friend did. She told me it was the best high I could have ever had. Since I'd done ecstasy and other stimulants before I was thinking this must be a great 'high' So I did it. I snorted 2 lines and only got 'numbies' so I took 2 more. And I was fucked. I felt like I was on top of the world. No one could make me feel bad. I must admit I loved it. There wasn't anything I didn't like about it except for the drip of course. So I went home that night still kinda messed up. I sat in my room and the only thing I could think about was more. I wanted more. Since I didn't pay for it I thought 'oh the next time I wanna do it it'll be easy to get.' I was wrong. The first time was only a 'sample' So I found money for it. My friends and I bought little amounts at first, then our tolerance rose and we needed more. One time I did it I went by this guys house and there was 10 other guys there. They told me they've never seen a group of girls do it so much. At the time I laughed. And the time after that I laughed. BUt one night as I was coming down. I realized it became the worst feeling ever. All I cared about was getting more. So I tried to go to sleep. I couldn't. My heart was racin, my pupils were huge, and I felt the urge to run around and act like I was 10. When I finally stopped coming down so hard, I fell asleep. When I woke the next morning I was just like 'fuck the world' I knew then that this was the beginning of an addiction. Sure I didn't need it, but I sure as hell wanted it. So I'm deciding to stop. I know I'll do it once and a while again, but I don't know if I could ever look at it again like I did before.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 1808
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 195,796
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Cocaine (13) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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