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Not Worth the Side Effects
Citation:   Cletus McGee. "Not Worth the Side Effects: An Experience with Codeine (exp1810)". Jun 14, 2000.

  oral Codeine (extract)
I dont consider myself an experienced drug user by any means, only having smoked reefer and taken shrooms before. On this particular night I found myself out of weed and was extremely bored so I decided to check out tylenol 3. I had stolen a bottle from my friends grandfather a while before. I read the faq on the internet and prepared the codeine by dissolving the tablets in hot water, cooling the solution, and then filtering it with a coffee filter. The resulting concoction was so foul i could barely get it down my throat. The faq says its not that bad but trust me its absolutely horrid. About half an hour to 45 minutes later I began to feel very calm. It was as if all was right with the world and there was nothing for me to worry about or anything. I sat on my couch and watched tv and just felt totally great. It only lasted maybe an hour and then I began feeling a little ill. I worried that I had taken too much. About ten minutes later I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach and quickly ran to the kitchen sink and started to vomit. Nothing I havent done before but it sort of ruined the experience. I gave the rest of the bottle to a friend of mine for a dime bag and never did it again. It really just isn't worth the side effects.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 1810
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 95,347
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Codeine (14) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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