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Citation:   Tramaga chill. "Introspective: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp18297)". Aug 3, 2005.

  oral Mushrooms (tea)
Setting: Night time 23:00, me and an old friend and four other close friends are relaxing and having a weekend get away (get away from reality) in my friend’s grandmother’s house. Although the area is surrounded by other inhabitants one feels secluded from the world.

Introduction: After two-day non stop high from marijuana and hashish our friends introduce mushrooms, they had taken it the night before and recommended that we all try it together. Three regular travellers and three new worried tourists. But we trusted them and thought why not? It might be cool?

We served the mushrooms with hot water, as it would be easiest this way; the well travelled friends ingested the mushrooms orally.

While drinking my mushroom tea, I became worried but yet intrigued. I tried to ask as many questions as possible, I felt I needed to know what was going to happen to me (the other two new travellers were also worried, and this in a way calmed me)

I was first to finish the tea, that strangely didn’t taste like anything, the only thing that made me feel a bit queasy was the fact that I had drank mushrooms ( I don’t like mushrooms). Looking at my two other fellow travellers I see that they were still drinking there tea. Suddenly I feel something I have never felt before, as this was my first time with mushrooms, I thought that this might be a natural effect.

I turned to one of the more experienced travellers to tell him that I was feeling something. He responded that it was too early to feel anything, not giving much thought to his comment I turn my head back to face the open fire, but before I turn my head back, I have disappeared. My thoughts change dramatically, everything around me disappears, all I can feel is the warmth of the fire perfectly tuned to my body temperature as if not to disrupt me. I gazed into the fire for a few minutes while enjoying the music (a soft dub with only drums). While looking into the fire I suddenly realized that I was in the woods. I sat there with other people I did not know (was this a meeting place, starting point for travellers of this world).

Suddenly I felt an urge to sing to the music. Today I can not remember the words but what I do recollect is the fact that my words were inspiring to the people that sat around. As I sang more and more people disappeared from the forest. I realized that I had to leave too; someone was shouting my name. It was one of my old friends (that had not taken mushrooms, in the beginning I thought this would be a nice security, but later he would play a big part) he was asking me what I was singing about. I looked up to see him but before I had reached his face, he had turned into the giant stone statues from lord of the rings. As I looked back at me, I found myself in the river, slowly travelling on the small waves, the water surged through my body, it swept me away so hard that I felt that I was going to puke (somehow I knew that would not be good) but I couldn’t control, before I had a chance to stop myself the bubble was surging through my throat, just as it exploded out of me I expected to see my puke, but instead the thing that was leaving my body was my soul, my teeth felt a giant breeze and my body was being drained from its life force.

There it was my soul was sitting besides me, it kept warm (later I learnt that it was the fire that was keeping me warm). My soul had a deep conversion with me, it spoke of those people that I cared for, beginning with my family and then my friend and last the people that were sitting besides (I was now getting short miniscule in time wake up reality calls), it then spoke about me to me. My soul was speaking about me to me! The last thing I can remember that we derived from the conversation, was the meaning of life. This pleased me a lot, I had found the meaning of life, then I came to realize that that was not important, the meaning was not important it was life itself, how it was lived.

The thoughts that were going through my head were so strong now that I could not keep them in my head, the energy was too strong and I had to transfer it to something physically, so I started to sway my upper body backwards and forwards. As I was doing this I would get glimpses into reality (can I really call it reality after what I have experienced) and hearing my friends. One sentence that I heard was somebody that was shouting that we were like small kids, curious about everything, and once he said that I was warped into a new dimension, I found that everything I looked at intrigued me, I was like a baby, seeing everything for the first time, the colours they moved and spoke to me.

After a while of my voyage into the new, I tilted my head back and saw the whole room for the first time, this house that was so small was now so large the end of the room was infinity. The strange thing was that the room was going from big to small (was this my mind telling my feelings that the house is small, and you're only imagining it big).

Suddenly again I am pulled back to reality, this time I hear my friends saying that we're all mad!!! This infects my brain like mushrooms and touches my inner nerve. I suddenly realize that I am mad, I’m crazy. I start to laugh uncontrollably, and start saying words that don’t make any sense. Until I stop and fall into the couch. My body is telling me that I am tired, and somehow its demands are fulfilled (for three to four hours now I have not felt my body I have been outside of it for so long). Before going to bed I take a piss, but more than my urine is coming out of me, the mushrooms from my brain are drained out of me.

I lay myself in a bed, and close my eyes, but I’m not really sure if they are closed.

As I lay in my bead flying in space I’m often pulled back to reality with the image of my friends screaming that something terrible has happened, I go to see what is wrong and I see myself dead. And suddenly I wake up in bed realizing I’m still here, this happens repeatedly, until I open my eyes and see the pattern of time and space. All that I see is divided into different dimension, it’s like a giant gridlock and all I have to do is choose my destination. After this I fall asleep, for round about an hour.

I wake up feeling much more in touch with reality. I go to the kitchen to find some of my friends also coming back from their trip.

We talk about the feelings and experiences we have gone through in the last six hours. This was a difficult time for me, as I wanted to share my thoughts but could not due to language difficulties (later today I realize that it was not the language that was stopping me, it was just that I could not describe what had happened to me).

I decide to go to bed, thinking that the drugs are gone, out of my system, but before I go I pick up a pencil to do a doodle on a piece of paper, but suddenly the pen is an aeroplane flying through the mountain (the mountains are the fabric in paper). Yes it was time to sleep.

Though it has almost taken me a year to come to grasps and understand what happened that night, I believe I have told the most important. I still sometimes get enlightenments to what happened that night, usually it is when I’m high, but it can even be when I find myself in reality (I use the term loosely now).

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 18297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2005Views: 4,964
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9)

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