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Beware Smoking AMT!!!!
Citation:   onemessedguy. "Beware Smoking AMT!!!!: An Experience with AMT (exp18467)". Erowid.org. Oct 27, 2002. erowid.org/exp/18467

30 mg smoked AMT (powder / crystals)
I recently read on erowid.org smoking AMT is possible. I saw the smoked dosage chart, and figured it could be done (not a good assumption I know). I put 30 mg into a self made pipe (light bulb), doing it the same way I had done meth in my tweeking days. I noticed it wasn't burning that great, but it was smoking, so I took my first inhalation. WOW, my lungs threw that shit right back out, that was the most HARSH chemical I have ever smoked, EVER. I tried several more times, and because I didn't want to waste this AMT (a capsule I payed $20 for) I would hold in the smoke, wow I can tell this did PERMANANT damage already. Within a few minutes I was wheezing and having much difficulty breathing. Luckily I had a inhaler or would have been in trouble. Over the next 30 minutes I smoked what I could of the AMT. It is now 3 hours later, my kidneys (or something down there) are hurting, I am still wheezing, and I am not tripping at all. I am pretty sure this one time has messed up my body, I just want to put a warning out to anybody else wanting to smoke AMT, DONT DO IT! this was not a good experience!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18467
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2002Views: 18,239
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AMT (7) : Unknown Context (20), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5)

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