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Nothing Can Prepare You For Utter Devastation
Citation:   Anonymous. "Nothing Can Prepare You For Utter Devastation: An Experience with DMT (exp1855)". Jun 15, 2000.

3.5 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Well i went to Melbourne recently, (so recently i got back yesterday) and i had the 'opportunity' to try DMT. i smoked it as crystals through a crack pipe, and this is what i can remember: i had 3 and 1/2 maybe 4 tokes before i couldn't smoke anymore. this took about 20 seconds. everything around me faded out, and a guy shouting in the distance sounded like he was shouting from a subway, (echoed). the guy i was with told me to get up and run around, and when i did that everything started melting and i lost the outside world completely. i thought that this is what it is like to be god, i was very scared, there where two sort-of thoughts in my mind: this is what a bad trip is like, and then i thought if this is a bad trip then it can't hurt me cause it is all in my mind. then i lost that thought, and i have sitting in the middle of a great calm. sitting figuratively, cause i didn't have a body. i opened my eyes, and i had a glimpse of the outside world, for the briefest instant, and then it started to move like a living moving Escher picture. and it was completely alien. then i closed my eyes, and i saw these interlocking frames of gold moving into each other and i was moving into them. i thought that i had been inside this place for eternity, and i thought that i was never going back (to where?) i must have still known that there was somewhere else. i completely forgot words. i couldn't think of what things were because think of what to call them. yesterday (three days later), i was still remembering words. the first that i remembered was mother. but i couldn't remember who she was. i couldn't remember who i was. and then i slowly came back to reality (Virtuality). i realised that i had a body and the thing that i was staring at was my own leg. i don't think that my Virtuality will ever be the same again. nothing can prepare you for utter devastation, which is DMT, unless you take lots and lots of LSD maybe. i have taken that much LSD, cause my DMT was nothing like. my advice is to take it with someone you trust in a quiet, safe place.

Exp Year: ExpID: 1855
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2000Views: 28,434
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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