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Dry Mucous Tissue
Citation:   geeheeb. "Dry Mucous Tissue: An Experience with Brugmansia (exp19547)". Erowid.org. Mar 29, 2004. erowid.org/exp/19547

0.5 flowers oral Brugmansia (tea)
  3 leaves oral Brugmansia (tea)
One day I found a Brugmansia plant for sale. One day being with my ex girlfriend, we decided to take a brew of 1 Brugmansia flower and 6 leaves (10 x 5 cm. each leave). We both had a very good mood. We drank the most disgusting thing ever tasted.

About 2 hours later we got kindda 'drunk'. Having seen & having heard nothing unusual, we desapointedly went to bed, and we had sex. It was terribly painful because every possible wet part of our body were extremely dry. We slept. In the middle of the night I woke up and while watching her I felt very scared: I felt that the person at my side was not my girlfriend, I even felt it was a corpse or a non-human being. But it was just a feeling, nothing visual at all. I got up to go the toilet and I almost fell to the floor because my entire body had a floating-like feeling, as if I had been given lots of anesthesia. Well, at that time I thought the plant told me nothing, but 2 months later I found out that my girlfriend was a prostitute and that she lied to me during our entire relationship, so maybe that's what the feelings of her not being human was related to the fact she was a liar.

After that I've tried different doses of datura seeds (she grows wild in this part of Chile). From 10 to 100. Never saw or heard nothing. Just the same anesthesia feeling, the painfully dry mucous tissue (penis, throat, mouth, eyes). Also she granted me a glorious and very upsetting hangover.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19547
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2004Views: 15,831
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Brugmansia (84) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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