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The Couch Became My Friend
Citation:   Trips. "The Couch Became My Friend: An Experience with Heroin (exp20780)". Nov 8, 2018.

  IV Heroin (liquid)
Many of you have heard the stories on heroin, the death tolls, OD's and life shattering experiences that will make Heroin seem like the grim reapers tool. I have been listening, and with the idea of 'try it once' in my mind, I bought H in vials from my friend, a expert needle pusher.

We sat in my basement, he was going to guide me through the high. He prepared the dosage and began to put the tourniquet around my arm. I began to get scared, my 3 aunts dying of H in Lawrence crackhouses, what my parents would think, how I was destroying my life. I forgot it all as I cleared my mind, told him to inject it into me.

As soon as the plunger was pushed in I felt the 'pins and needles' effect. My friend pulled the needle out of me, and I just sat staring into nothing, wondering about nothing, it was a instant effect. I was in oblivion, a world in nothingness as I was enveloped in a world of pleasure.

If I was alone, I would not have been able to pull the needle out of my arm.
If I was alone, I would not have been able to pull the needle out of my arm.

I sat, continued to stare as 'Dark Side of The Moon' played in the backround. For several hours I sat there. I wanted to do everything, and nothing.

Soon the effects wore off, and I wanted more. I learned that I do not have the ability to control everything, and H helped me to understand that.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20780
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 8, 2018Views: 2,471
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Heroin (27) : General (1), First Times (2), Guides / Sitters (39), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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