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Lemon Extract Isn't All Bad
Alcohol (from food extracts) & DXM
by KMK
Citation:   KMK. "Lemon Extract Isn't All Bad: An Experience with Alcohol (from food extracts) & DXM (exp20960)". Apr 18, 2007.

  repeated oral Alcohol (extract)
  1 oz oral DXM (liquid)
First off, I bet many of you are like, 'Wha? Lemon... extract??? Mint extract???'
Yup, that's right, lemon and mint extracts. This will outline some recipes and my experiences.

Me and 3 of my friends, I'll call them T, S, and W, were trying one night to get some alcohol, so we asked some dude at school (I'll call him R) and he said his dad would buy us some if we gave him the money. So we went to his house and rode with his dad to the gas station and then he asks him if he will buy us alcohol, he said no...
Pissed, we decided on a last resort to go to the grocery store and buy some stuff to get messed up on.

We purchased 4 bottles of lemon extract (84% alcohol), 2 bottles of mint extract (80% alcohol), 2 4oz bottles of robotussin, a 2 liter of coke, a 2 liter of root beer, and a 2 liter of brisk ice tea. We then headed back to R's house.

None of us had ever done the lemon extract thing, so we were trying to figure out who goes first and how. We made the following with the extracts (we used the entire bottles of extract in each glass): 1 glass of LE (lemon extract) and brisk ice tea, 1 glass of LE and root beer, 1 glass of LE and water, 1 glass of LE and coke; then we used half out of each of the bottles of ME (mint extract) like this: 1/2 ME in a glass with brisk ice tea, 1/2 ME in a glass with root beer, 1/2 ME in a glass with water, 1/2 ME in a glass with coke.

Then we each started drinking and sharing to see what each of them tasted like. Here are the results:

-LE and Brisk Ice Tea: This was the only one that didn't taste bad, this tastes like sweet ice tea with lemon, very strong lemon.
-LE and Root Beer: Terrible! I had to hold my nose to down a few gulps of this putrid mess.
-LE and Water: Again, terrible. There was nothing to really mask the taste of the LE so it was just like drinking the LE, just a little weaker.
-LE and Coke: Another bad mixture, and like the root beer: CRAPPY!
-1/2 ME and Brisk Ice Tea: We should have known better than to mix ME with anything... I would rather drink my own piss...
-I'll go ahead and not waste time by saying that anything mixed with ME is not going to taste good...

Well, after we had finished all the extracts (yup, even the ME, couldn't let em go to waste), we felt pretty messed up, like being drunk without stumbling and having more control over yourself, but still dumb nonetheless. Me and T lay on the floor burning incense and would get a mouthful of the smoke and blow purple rings. This was so awesome. We did this for like an hour and a half.

Then we turned the lights off and rolled around on the floor in the small room until R got scared and then got pissed and turned on the lights and left. He was pissed the rest of the night (don't know why) and tried to beat up W for saying that it was cold, W threw his ass down. Overall a pretty mellow night. BTW, T had drunk one of the bottles of robo, and the other was split amongst us, about 1oz each.

About a week later me, T, W, and S went to my house to do it, we each did a bottle and a half of LE in some Brisk (like I said before, it's not bad at all). Got drunk, had fun.

Another week later, we went to my house again and we had a ton of LE (8 bottles, 2 for each of us). Me and T did 2 but S and W said they were set with one, then T said he was set with his 2, so I drank the other 2, that stops me at 4 bottles, not smart... I didn't get messed up AT ALL. I have no clue why, all it did was give me terrible stomach aches for the remainder of the night and the next 2 days. It was bearable, but not pleasant.

I never did it again after that, that sort of screwed it for me. That and the fact that I started getting weed instead.

Well, I must say I recommend it, but only a bottle or 2 mixed in brisk ice tea, or homemade ice tea. A note of caution, DO NOT DRINK IT STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOTTLE!!! I tested it to see what it was like, I took a small sip, felt like I drank acid. We told some of our friends at school, 3 of them tried it and drank a whole bottle straight. Two of them came to us and said they vomited really bad and it burned like hell, the other said it was fun. I guess his throat is made of steel.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 20960
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2007Views: 35,812
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Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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