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My Life Flashed Before My Eyes
Citation:   jakeystick. "My Life Flashed Before My Eyes: An Experience with Cannabis (exp21245)". Feb 12, 2003.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (tar / resin)
It was a Monday, no school that day but I had to go the next day. I wanted to have a quick smoke to relax me so I could get a good night's sleep. I rolled up a towel and stuffed it under the door, lit an incense stick, and loaded 3 roaches into my homemade wood pipe. I smoked the bowl pretty fast, and the resinated weed was pretty potent

I then lied down and put on my current favorite CD; By The Way by Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was getting some trippy vibes as the cd played...when it got to track 4, 'dosed', my high was definately peakng. I closed my eyes and saw the most amazing thing in my life...

I was a baby, escaping from the womb. I didn't know it as it happened, but I was sliding out, being born into a busy world of bright lights, loud noises...I then realized what had just happened, and I saw all of my life, everything between the moment I was born and this second laying on my bed, flash by in a fraction of a second.

The intensity of the experience hit me like a truck. All of a sudden I felt amazing emotions all at the same time...I began to laugh, and cry at the same time at the beauty of it. The intense feeling lasted a few minutes; my mind was just racing with thoughts. I then realized something: the fast-motion version of my life I just saw WAS my whole life; it happened in a snap, just like that, that was it. I never lived before the second I was that tiny baby being born, that was the begining of it all, and time just seemed to stop into slow motion where it was...

Its hard to explain the feeling I had. It was so intense. I was positive that I had not lived before that moment; I was sure that what I saw, in a fraction of a second, was my life. my birthdays, the day I learned to surf, the first time I was introduced to the magical world of ganja, it was all there. and then it just stopped, and there I was, I had only lived for a fraction of a second

Relative to how long the earth...the universe...everything has existed, it really was a fraction of a second. That is where the amazing intensity came from.

I cried for a second, then just layed in bed, thinking about it for a long while.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2003Views: 12,952
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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