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A Bad Experience with a Household Spice
Nutmeg (smoked)
Citation:   Anonymous. "A Bad Experience with a Household Spice: An Experience with Nutmeg (smoked) (exp2133)". Jun 26, 2000.

20 hits smoked Nutmeg
I had been reading about the hallucinogenic properties of nutmeg on the web, and decided to give it a whirl. Right off the bat i discovered that there was no way to eat the stuff, it tasted awful. So I mixed some up with water to make a paste. I stuck this mostly dry paste into my pot pipe and started to toke.

It tasted awful, burning my throat.

It lasted a long time, and would not burn very quickly. I had about 20 nasty tokes and then decided I would stop. By this time the drug in the nutmeg had started to take effect. I layed on my bed with the lights on for a while, feeling very strange. I didn't have any visual hallucinations, but sounds were intensified and distorted, and I can remember hearing things like voices that weren't really there. This caused great panic, and I remember laying on my bed sweating, scared out of my mind. Thumps came from other parts of the house. I experienced intense paranoia.

I tried to turn the lights off and go to sleep, but I was too scared. I quickly turned on some happy music and tried to relax.

When I woke up the next day, I still felt weird. I was a little bit out of it for the next four days, feeling completely awful.

The experience was a bit like acid, only i didn't feel happy at all, just bad.

In the end, it scared the shit out of me, and it stank up my pipe, and I think i'll be sticking to mushrooms from now on.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2133
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 9,152
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Nutmeg (41) : Alone (16), General (1)

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