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Salvia Sentients
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Anonymous. "Salvia Sentients: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp2146)". Jun 26, 2000.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum
I took a pipeful. Then another, suddenly unsure what was the best way to do this. I was fumbling around in the darkness, with the pipe. Then I understood that it wasn't the amount or the way you smoke. just had to stop being fidgety. But I really couldn't. I felt it approaching, and my mind kept racing. It is so different, so solid. It transforms my body, and I feel naked and instinctively cover myself. Then I manage to think it's okay, because if anybody sees me it's okay, because they must be Ok. because they're there. Or something like that. The trouble is I'm not sure if I'm okay. And I feel a presence. I feel the weird bumps and spikes that stay the same if I have patience. And something something that goes around, and is there a voice ? and it's so physical, almost painful...

And then... I realize why it is like that, because, very simply, it is really SENTIENT. It's a plant, but I am in communication with it. It's unbelievable. A contact. And I'm divided into two. the other who believes it and feels it physically. It is physically present, and it is just like a person was there, only this has this strange way of communicating. But it's not human, it's a plant like that one over there across the room. What can I say ? Now it's holding me. I'm sort of reclining in Salvia. I am able to stop the mental babbling only because I'm so in awe. Ah Uh Hello, sorry...

I can't help leaving it. The other half drags me along, my normal reality. I fight back. I feel again Salvia, now fainter, but it's not she who is leaving, I'm going back to my own mental babbling. Already I'm composing this e-mail 'o boy! you can't believe it!' to you like an automaton.

I know some of you know what I mean. A real contact with a non-human. A plant. I'm ashamed, I have thrown ideas like these to the air, just to impress, but this is as real as real can get, although unbelievable. Of course people feel it in different ways, but this is how it was to me.

And well, someone more advanced, who can talk to her -- I don't know. I wish I could say something to her, but I got so scared. Dumb-struck. And if there really were others there, hello to you too. I don't know what you're doing there, but it's fantastic there is this salvia-place.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2146
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 5,116
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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