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Tested it with Porn
Citation:   The Rock. "Tested it with Porn: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp21659)". Feb 27, 2003.

112.5 mg oral Yohimbe (pill / tablet)
The only reason I wanted to try yohimbe was because a couple of nights ago I partied and drank up a lot and I took this girl back to her dorm.

We had sex 3 times and to my surprise I couldn't keep an erection up, whether it was because of the alcohol or what not. this had never happened before.

I'm a smoker of 2 yrs. as well and they say that smoking makes you impotent. I'm 20 yrs. old and I was thinking that this shit can't be happening to me.

So I stumbled upon this website and looked up Yohimbe.

I went to [a popular health-food supplement chain] the next day and bought some Yohimbe Active.

I tested it on an empty stomach and to my surprise it started working in less than 30 minutes.

I started getting really hyper and tingly all around. I started to get cold and my skin became a flushed pink color and my eyes became bloodshot.

My mood was more cheery and I wanted to see if my erection would stay up. I watched some porn and I got an incredible erection. It was harder than ever since Yohimbe is supposed to make blood flow more throughout your body. I got a pretty good orgasm from it, but it wasn't super or anything.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21659
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2003Views: 46,026
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Yohimbe (96) : Health Benefits (32), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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