Death Wish 2003
DMAE & Cannabis
Citation:   Eidetic. "Death Wish 2003: An Experience with DMAE & Cannabis (exp21764)". Apr 16, 2003.

700 mg oral DMAE  
  2 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Last night I unwittingly combined DMAE with weed brownies to discover the second most intense trip of my entire life. I take DMAE as a mild stimulant on dark wintery days. My friend made some brownies that I ate merely because they were right there in front of me. At no time had I thought the DMAE would inject THC warp speed into my body.

This is a trip of deadly intensity. I felt completely out of time and mostly out of my body. I knew where I was and who I was, but at the same time was completely out of reality in a most uncomfortable fashion. I have nearly a decade of drug abuse under my belt, but this experience was too much too swallow. I found out that the 'better place' really isn't that swell.

I wound up begging my friends to take me to the ER for the deliverance of the valium injection. They declined so I resorted to a homemade concoction of various downers I found within my medicine cabinet. I was asleep within 2 hours of the experience starting, yet these were two of the longest hours I can remember.

This report exists as a warning any potential experimenters out there. This combination is too potent for mere mortals. There was nothing pleasant about it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21764
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2003Views: 29,228
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DMAE (151), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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