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Kratom (extract)
Citation:   Pad Thai. "kraptom: An Experience with Kratom (extract) (exp22360)". Mar 18, 2004.

1.0 g sublingual Kratom (extract)
[Erowid Note: It is believed that at the time this report was written, almost all of the 'Kratom acetate' on the market was not actually Kratom or Mitragyna speciosa. The plant source of this material is unknown.]

Purchased 1 gram Kratom acetate from online vendor. Intially chase as small quantity, this results in a distinct +1. I later consume various ammounts subligually, the extract has a not unpleasing taste. Effects are moderate but definitely above placebo. They consist in a (very) mild opiate like state with some stimulation. Although accounts of traditional use suggest that Kratom enables its users to work for long periods, this is not found to be the case with mental labor, perhaps this aspect is only apparent with physical rather than mental activity.

Conclusion: Kratom works (not like Sceletium which this researcher found to be useless) however, its effects are mild. It is difficult to see how one could become addicted to its use, however in Thailand it costs little more than few baht, while for Westerns it's relatively expensive (for what it does)- a gram doesn’t go very far.

Strictly for the curious, since there are more effective and less costly ways to float your boat. Additionally it should be noted that the experimenter was in the process of withdrawing from a moderate dependence on Tramadol, Kratom did mitigate the symptoms and craving, though not entirely. Interesting in that it is used by Thai addicts as means of controlling their consumption.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22360
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 18, 2004Views: 24,986
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Kratom (203) : Unknown Context (20), Addiction & Habituation (10), General (1)

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