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My First Injection
Citation:   DewSmack. "My First Injection: An Experience with Heroin (exp22502)". Feb 17, 2020.

  IV Heroin (liquid)
For the past few months I have been experimenting with heroin, snorting up to a few lines a day. I try not to do it every day because it’s really expensive and I’m on a low budget, but I’ve spent a considerable amount of money on it already, probably well over a thousand by now. My habit is to use a few times a week, usually in consecutive days until I run out or don’t have time due to work and school to use, then go through a very mild withdrawal complete with fatigue, chills, and other flu-like symptoms, then start using again when I get some more. A certain degree of regret is felt towards all the money I have “wasted” on the white indulgence, but in a way I didn’t actually waste it if you get technical about it. It was money well spent. Now, onto the actual experience.

I obtained a needle in a very disturbing fashion: stealing a used one from a diabetic. Now I’m sure a lot of people do this, but it’s used and that’s not good. I don’t really ask where other people get their needles because it’s a rather unmentionable subject for mw, so I’m not sure how other users get their own works. Last night I tried finding a vein, but it was really late when I actually got home and was able to try it out, so I just popped it.

So today I read and reread a variety of literature on heroin, veins and injecting and was confident that I could find a good one and take my first plunge into the so called downward spiral. So after we ate dinner, I quickly swiped a tablespoon from the kitchen and went up to the bathroom and unlocked the little box that holds my goodies- my bags, a small mirror and blade for snorting, and my newest addition, the needle. Some other things I needed were a small amount of water, which I got on from the faucet (I believe you’re supposed to use a more sanitary source of water because bacteria live in the water I get at home), a small ball of cotton I ripped off the end of a q-tip, a lighter to cook it up with, and one oft hose long balloons you can make balloon animals out of as a tourniquet. I opened up one of my packets and tapped half of the contents into the spoon. Added a little bit of water, held a lighter underneath it, and watched the powder dissolve in a little pool of bubbles. Next I tore a small ball of cotton off of the tip of a Q-Tip and put it in the spoon to absorb the lovely liquid. Placing the needle into the cotton, I pulled back the plug and made sure I got most of if not all of the heroin mix into my gear. I tapped the syringe until I got most of the air I could out. Next, I tied the balloon around my arm slightly above my elbow. Trying to find a usable vein was the most complex part because mine are small and faint most of the time. Probably because I’m a girl. After clenching my fists and tapping the vein until I was sure I wasn’t going to blow it, I put the needle along my arm so that it was facing my hands and gently slid it into the vein. I knew I hit the right spot when I pulled the plug back a little and dark blood slowly mixed in with the solution. After taking a deep breathe, I slowly injected myself. It only took a few seconds, maybe 10, for the effect to hit me. It kicked my ass. Luckily I was sitting down because it was so strong I felt completely relaxed and numb. It was everything they say it would be. The warmth, the numbing, the rush. Everything. I’m in love with my white stuff. I just have to be careful, extremely careful, especially since I have my own needle now. The night went on and it lasted till I fell asleep, which was like four or five hours later. The next day I was so tired I slept in nearly every class at school. I felt generally ok, just really tired. My arms aren’t bruised at all so no one can tell I injected.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22502
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2020Views: 1,447
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Heroin (27) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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