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Through Fire, Water and Life itself
Citation:   Mystic Cloud. "Through Fire, Water and Life itself: An Experience with 2C-I (exp22853)". May 18, 2003.

20 mg oral 2C-I
T +0:00
Took 20mg 2C-I when I had stayed up for 1 night and were having amphetamine withdrawal symptoms. We were 6 persons at my apartment and 4 (me + 3 girls) of us took the 2C-I. I had once before tested
2C-I but it was not even close to being as powerful as it was this time.

T +0:50
I started to feel the the effects, though this time it was all different from the others. The OEV visuals came on really strong and everything had a little twirl in it.

T+ 1:30
Listened to some very good psychedelic trance and had the milkdrops newest graphic plugin on in winamp and watched it (it's really good:)) The graphics from the monitor spread up into my whole viewing area, so that the white walls in my room was covered with the same graphics as on the monitor.

T+ 2:00
The trip started at 2 hours after taking the capsule.
The thoughts I started to get was AMAZING, tho dangerous, cause the feeling was that I knew everything that existed, knew the answer to every logical question, the answer to how our world works, how time works. It was really mindblowing and the information speed was infinite. I knew what the others were feeling-thinking about. Kind of like I could look into my friends 'soul' and look at their egoless being. After that the ego came with fears of different things/supressed true emotions and when puzzled on top of that egoless being you had the person before you. I could see why the people acted the way they do, what the cause of it all was.

I just sat quiet on my bed and looked at my friends. Talked directly to their very being with just thinking. It felt like I took away some of their subconscious fears. One girl thought she was very very ugly, and started hiding herself behind sunglasses and a scarf etc. (in reality she is very beautiful) then I just told her telepathically that almost everyone I know thinks she is really really beautiful and cute, at the same time she looked like she would've listened to something. Then she immediatly took away the sunglasses and the scarf and the other things and got very happy. (Don't really know if she even knows that I 'talked' to her, or if she even herself knew counsciously about this, havent really asked, but the way she acted after the things I thought about her is a evidence itself that something really did happend.) These 'coincidences' happened all the time, I thought about something then it happened.

At one point the time just stopped. Everyone in the room was standing still, it was a very bizarre feeling. It felt like I was this being that somehow got pulled outside of the timespace of this universe. After this the time continued and everyone in the room started to move again. I got these great ideas of how time itself works, and how the spiritual world is outside of this worlds time and how I could affect or feel what happens in the future.

One of the girls started freaking something, and I myself think that she was too aware of the 'link' I had to everyone, and that I could see through their egomask who they really were. I knew that she also had these metaphysical 'abilities' that I had (no wonder she's been called a witch so many times;) It seemed that she wanted to get off the trip that we were all on (which isn't very good if you do it in a negative way with brute force). My girlfriend had to go and feed her cat so they both left to do that, I told them to return soon. The reason I wanted them to return was because last time there was a group tripping like this on the same trip, there happened the same thing that one of the guys started freaking out about the metaphysical things that came and wanted to get out of the trip by brute force. I didn't myself believe that much in the 'thoughts' and things that happened so I as the trip guide just let them leave the place. After they left the trip (for everyone else except me and the other polaroid) transformed into a train-weck disaster...

Anyway my gf and her friend left to feed the cat, but this time I didn't let go off the 'tripring', I kept it together as well as I could, and that meant that the telepathical link between me and my gfs friend didn't disappear. I knew my gfs friend tried to leave the trip, and wanted to take my gf with her.

(OK maybe this all was just some weird persecution from the amphetamine, think as you wish but this is really the truth for me, and I think it'll be the truth for everyone else too after they have died and left this material realm of existence but who knows ;)).

Everytime I felt as she was trying to rip herself of the trip I got mad and called my gf and asked them when they were coming back. The longer the trip had lasted the harder it were to hold in one piece and the time just kept going and going, and I was getting more and more mad at the witch who didn't want to come back cause she was afraid (or just ignorant). I had to explain and explain and explain telepathically why they had to come back and that it was not my decision but from another realm of existence.

During this time that she resisted to come back I felt different spirits and at one time a acquaintance I knew that died using drugs came and spoke to me through a friend that sat in the room. I felt very strong pity for the guy who had died, and tried to calm his spirit by thinking it's gonna be alright for you, just let go of everything or something like that. But the waiting continued and we left our apartment outside to get some fresh air. A friend needed some gasoline so I gave some to him. Then I again got a feeling that she was trying to rip herself out of the trip and got mad, then I got some messages that 'Why should we come there, your just crazy, why should I be like you, your life is all fucked up etc.' and I got really *******g pissed and went up to my apartment, I could almost feel my demon horns sticking out of my head and smoke coming from my ears.

Opened the door to my apartment and took a few steps and thought very angrily, 'this is my fair apartment, my life is going very well, I'm very intelligent, warm, compassionate, THIS is my chemistry book, I'm studying at the University, I'm VERY good at maths etc. etc.' and I was just getting more and more angry all the time, I looked at my hand and it was PURE RED, I felt like a devil and I looked like a devil cause I was so angry at the girl, then when I had thought about how good my own life is I called to her and yelled 'are you so stupid that you need more proof or? can't you understand that '¦m just trying to help you and not the opposite.' After that phonecall they left and started coming here. The whole scene felt like the on in Lord Of The Rings where Bilbo gets greedy over the ring and starts to curse and accuse and Gandalf gets angry and starts to grow and the room gets dark and scary, and then Bilbo snaps into reality and Gandalf says that he's only trying to help Bilbo.

After this I went outside back to my other friends. We started to walk towards a beach.

We walked further and further from my place, at one time a friend asked that shouldn't we start going back because the girls were coming to my apartment, then I stopped and just felt where they were, and said that they weren't yet gonna be there. We walked a bit farther yet and then someone mentioned the girls and I got this feeling that we should turn back. Then we turned and started to go back towards my apartment, when we got near to the apartment I saw that the 2 girls were also walking there and that the timing was just PERFECT that we would've both reached the door at the same time ;). Another of the strange 'coincidences' that happened during the trip.

It was a HUGE relief when they came back and I could let go of the whole thing. When we were inside the room I started getting weird contacts with weird spirits. There came some evil spirits that tried to suck on our life force or whatever, and then one huge that tried to fool me he was satan himself. He looked like satan and felt like him, but since evil DOES NOT EXIST in the real world (not this world), it was just some fear in myself (or then some spirit who tried to back me down).

A while later while we were sitting in my room, can't exactly remember what happened, it had something to do that the girl didn't believe anything of what had happened/I had said and I got like really hurt cause I really felt that I had helped her, and the only thing I got was a stab in my back. I really broke down and thought 'Why god have I got this job of suffering argh'. Immediately after I had thought that one of the friends gave me a cardboard plate where there were the words 'Do a job that has a meaning!'. Another one of the bunch of coincidences that happened ;)

After this the others left and I stayed at my place with my gf. Were getting very tired from the whole effort I had done but this was only the beginning of my own trip. The whole trip lasted for 52 hours in a row, and I got back from the trip at the exact time that I wanted. Here's a brief explanation of what happened after I were alone with my gf:

I got this VERY STRONG feeling that my ex girlfriend would do a suicide in the future if things continued as they were, so I kind of used my gfs being to get back the missing part of my ex girlfriends soul, and We both went to the place where the dead people who haven¡¦t switched ¡¥realities¡¦ are. Transfered the part into my gf and then came out of there. The next morning (slept only for 5 hours) we left to my gfs house, she had a cat that I literally talked to, and the cat behaved really weird, my gf said too that the cat was acting weird. The most funny part was that the cat REALLY REALLY started to like me because I understud him ƒº. Lay on the bed and the cat came and lay on my breast. The cat would really do the stuff that I thought, for example if I wanted it to jump down from me it did, if I wanted it to come to me it did etc.

I left my gf and went to see my ex gf (who surprisingly had tried to reach me hehheh, another of these strange coincidences that she just HAPPENS to phone this particular day at this particular time ;). One of the reasons I had to trip this long was cause I had to set things straight from the previous trip when I just let the people try to break free from the trip.

But briefly I returned the lost part of their souls/spirits/whatever that they lost during that trip when they freaked out and got all crazy (sort of egodeath without . Every timing during the trip was just PERFECT, every phonecall I got had a PERFECT timing -> I thought about the person then he/she rang.

Conclusion of everything:

When I'm tripping hard I have this special feeling. It is like a feeling that I am moving very very fast forward, and then I can feel all the hallucinations and things that will soon come and happen. I have got this same tripping feeling from Pcilocybin, Salvia D, 5-Meo-Dipt, TMA-2, LSA. It's not identically the same on every substance but it is little like viewing a reality from different angles. Another thing that is very usual for me while tripping is that I get sort of a telepathic link to the others who are also tripping. I know what they are feeling/thinking, metaphorically it's just like seeing the spectrum of the light and it's various vibrations.

Of course all coincidences can be explained scientifically and I can be labelled as crazy, but everything happens for a reason whetever you are concious of this or not. It's like a universal game and everyone is a player. Another VERY interesting thing is that after the trip ALL my senses were razor sharp, my thinking was very clear, got an idea what the 4th dimension is mathematically etc. etc. =)

Important ideas from the trip:

Got a very clear look at what life itself is, got a picture of it as being a multidimensional fractal that goes through all the dimensions of existence (1D,2D,3D,4D,5D etc.). Also got a clear look at what god himself is. He¡¦s the whole being of everyones existence, and I mean everyone... everything from the first dimension to the last dimension. Every material and atom that will ever exist. It's like a cell in a body, without the body the cell can¡¦t live and without the infinite cells the body can¡¦t live kind of like a symbiosis.

Evil does not exist out in the big world. It is just something that is part of this material world. Evil itself can be metaphored to a virus or bacteria in a natural system. This bacteria/virus is part of the life itself and it will never be greater than life. It may kill some individuals but it will never ruin life itself as it stands. 'After the rain comes sunshine.'

Our own beings are connected to this huge network, kind of like internet, but more like a spiderweb style that everything is connected to everything. All of our thoughts are not from our own being but from outside, from someone else. For example -> A guy that is very kind inside is put into a region where everyone else is very selfish and materialistic. The guy gets affected by this and also gets more selfish and materialistic. He starts to get these more selfish and materialistic thoughts from the enviroment, but still his very own being does not get affected.

Thanks for reading this far, hope you got some insight of this all ;)

Happy tripping!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22853
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2003Views: 16,048
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