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Conversion Experience
Citation:   Excalibur. "Conversion Experience: An Experience with LSD (exp23087)". Apr 5, 2007.

1000 ug   LSD
[Erowid Note: Claims of measured microgram dosages for LSD are usually unsupported. Quantitative measurements for LSD are very difficult to do and cannot be done casually. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that most statements of microgram dosages of LSD on blotter or in microdots are either misinformed or overstated.]

I am a certified 'psychonaut' I took about 500 LSD, and other trips between the ages of 13 and 35 (I'm 36).


The first trip was perhaps the most intense. I thought I had been ripped off and went to the movies at the University: 'The Point', which is probably LSD influenced. About 20 min. into the movie I found that it was amazingly intense and realized SOMETHING had happened and I wondered if anyone else realized how 'different' I was. I got lost in the movie, like a waking dream. (a double feature).

On the walk back home on a warm summer night in upstate NY I had an archtypal ego-loss experience. I looked up at the peacefull night sky and felt that I had been walking forever and would be walking forever. Timeless and wonderful, yet scary. In reality it was about 10 NYC sized blocks. I had a vague sense that I had had a life before, but it seemed like a dream. As I walked up to my front door, I put my hand on the handle, wondering if I was really allowed to do this, and walked in - !! My parents and about 20 folks were inside playing folk music! Perfect! I felt grounded again.


I was, at the time (nearly 14), a total slob/geek who did not understand the concept of excersise. My room was a hideous chaotic mess at all times! I took one look at the room, and one look in the mirror and thought 'this won't do.' I cleaned my room immmaculately, and put most everything at right angles. I trew out crap I had had since I was tiny. I scrubbed, dusted, etc.

I finally fell asleep, convinced that I would not be 'me' anymore, an obsession that continued for years, by the way. Having experienced the unreality of the personality, I became frightened of losing myself. Anyway... The next day I woke up and I was 'me' again, except not quite. I did not know it at the time but I had an overnight 'personalityectimy'. I have been meticulously clean, orderly and nicely dressed since that time. I also went jogging for the first time that day and have enjoyed excersise greatly since that time.

This first trip was the most benificial, if not the most pleasant. If you are a 'beginner', rather than obsess on drug use, I suggest learning to meditate. Meditating on LSD, BTW, once one knows how, is amazing, but I have come to believe that it makes it harder to do on a regular basis without the drug.

'LSD can make you meet Jesus, but you cannot stay there that way. With meditation, you can.' Baba Neem Karoli from 'Be Here Now' by Ram Dass. Which I should have read BEFORE the acid!!

Happy Trails

Exp Year: 1979ExpID: 23087
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 5, 2007Views: 8,314
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LSD (2) : Various (28), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2)

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