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A Musical Plant
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Tom Aido. "A Musical Plant: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp23127)". Feb 13, 2007.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
This is my first experience with salvia (or ANY substance) and I think it went quite well. I was at my cousins house and we were very excited to try this plant, so that night we went outside to the garage. We were using a large peace-pipe made from a big mailing tube with a foil bowl, specially constructed for this occasion. My cousins and friend went first; there was alot of laughter and silliness from them and I wanted to go somewhere quiet for my experience. So, myself and cousin A went outside, about a hundred yards away under a tree, and I took a big hit.

The first thing I noticed were vibrations, coming from above and to the left, and they began to make a beat. After taking another, smaller hit I got up to walk. I felt that I should walk with the beat; I began taking very large, Mr. Natural type steps and bobbing my head and humming to myself, dum dum da dum dum. I felt a silliness at what I was doing but felt it was good. Throughout the experience there was a sense that I SHOULD be doing these things. Not that I HAD to, or was being forced to, just that it was the appropriate thing to do. My head was clear, I realized it was silly, but I felt it was the right thing to do.

then, to the vibrational rythm, I began to dance. My cousins asked me if I liked dancing, and I replied 'I have to. Well, I don't HAVE to but it's better if I do.' As I spoke, I noticed my speech was a little slurred. Then somehow how we ended up at the burn pile and sat down. Passage of time and space were less noticeable than usual. I still felt the vibes. I may have taken another hit at this point, although I'm not quite sure. As I stared at the dark ground I began to see alot of colored vines that wove together to create a little village for elves. I was thinking about this as cousin B tapped me and asked what I was experiencing; I told him about the village and said that salvia was a powerful psychedelic. He asked why and I replied 'Because I'm seeing things that you can't see!' at which point I saw a large, red vine creep along the edge of cousin A's body and knock him to the ground.

Inside now, in a dim room with classical music, I took another hit. I closed my eyes and BECAME the music, I don't know how else to put it. I saw a tunnel made of the vines and each color was a different instrument; I became various vines and felt the essence of each sound, VERY incredible. I soon went to sleep and had a lucid dream that night.

That's what I remember. To note: The hallucinations of the vines and the village were very clear and undoubtedly visual; there was another sensation, however, experienced by myself and my cousins: Thought hallucinations. Like the sense of appropriateness, the vines being an elf village, the dancing, all these were things I just THOUGHT. Not to say we were delusional; to the contrary, we had very clear thinking. We recognized these unusual thoughts coming on. My cousins all thought they were in a circus. 'It doesnt look like a circus' they said 'Its just like were in one'. Also, I can vouch for the common report of heavy sweating as a side-effect.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 23127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2007Views: 5,258
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2)

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