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My First Hit of Weed
Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   cannabis boy. "My First Hit of Weed: An Experience with Cannabis & Tobacco (exp24734)". May 1, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
    repeated smoked Tobacco
Well, here I was, 13 years old. Parents not being home for 6 more hours. Me and my best mate with weed and tobacco mixed and I nice pipe. Nervous as hell. My parents smoked weed and always preached to me about not doing it. I always thought 'who the hell are those hippies to be preaching about not to smoke weed?'.

We had a lighter and some was falling off out of our nervousness. I took the first hit since it was my weed. Alex took one after me. The nervousness was gone. We were so relaxed. I remember telling Alex -- he was my best friend -- we will be hippies when we are older. On the second hit we were real stoned. I was in a physical and mental state of relaxation.

We smoked 2 whole dime bags and a spliff within 2 hours.The spliff was rolled poorly because my rolling skills were about the rolling skills of jimi hendrix trying to roll one while playing a guitar. After the spliff we where so fucking high we didn't even know where Alex's house was. From then on we were stoners for life.

Exp Year: 1985ExpID: 24734
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 13
Published: May 1, 2018Views: 1,155
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Cannabis (1), Tobacco (47) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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