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My Daughter, The Addict
DXM (Coricidin)
Citation:   txwildflower. "My Daughter, The Addict: An Experience with DXM (Coricidin) (exp24893)". Jun 30, 2003.

  oral DXM (pill / tablet)
My 17 year old daughter sits in jail, again tonight for family violence. We have been trying to help her for a year as she is addicted to DXM. She was a bright girl in school making the AB honor roll. That was before she started using this drug. She completely fucked up her senior year and didn't graduate. She was arrested for family violence in 2002, when we tried to intervine and help her with her problem. She got out, and didn't return to our home, because she loved this drug. Eight weeks ago, she booted my car and tried to flee to Mexico, but was caught at the Sarita check point. She spent six weeks in jail. We figured this was enough to get her mind straight. It wasn't. All promises were made to go straight and finish school. The first night she stayed out all night and in the following days, I could tell she was high. Today, I found coriciden in her pocket and she had stolen my credit card.

When she came home, she was high and we confronted her that she had a problem. She kept trying to get away through a window , the roof, anything. Her older brother restrained her and the cops were called. She had hit and bit him, so they took her away again. This breaks my heart, but at least, I know that she is safe from this drug in jail. This time, her bond will be set high, since she revoked her probation. She will probably be in there a long time. Don't let this happen to you. I love her and do not want her in jail, but its better than her screwing up her brain, or worse yet, death. Doing drugs not only affects you, but also the people that love and care for you. Think about it.......

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24893
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2003Views: 38,694
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DXM (22) : Not Applicable (38), Second Hand Report (42), Families (41), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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