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An Eye Opener
Citation:   Jaymez. "An Eye Opener: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp24965)". Apr 12, 2007.

2.0 g oral Mushrooms
My friends and I were looking for something to do on a boring June night, so we decided to call up someone for shrooms. After about 20 mins of trying to contact him, we finally got through. We all decided to eat 2 grams each, there were 4 of us, including me. All of them have tripped before from shrooms. This was my second time, but the first time I only did 1 gram and felt a mild body high.

We get back to my friends house, let's call him S, and from there we eat the fungus. The taste was subtle, tasted nearly like regular mushrooms. We all washed it down with a glass of water and sat watching TV and my friend play video games on his computer.

20 - 30 minutes in, I noticed I felt a little strange, not quite normal. I knew the effects were kicking in. We decided to walk around, didnt know where, but we had to get out of the house and move around. You could say we were ansi, but didnt quite know what for. We ended up walking to a nearby school. We continued to walk over the field, it was just about black, but still a little bit of light. Looking down at the field, I noticed the crazy textures of the grass and sand. It felt like I was a giant overlooking a mini-eco system. My friend and I both took notice to this.

I felt calm and cool, and everything seemed to flow nicely. No real hallucinations yet, just the grass and sand looking a little off, but very cool. After about 10 minutes of walking, we arrived at a local gas station, we all got slurpees and went out around back of the building. I looked at the wall, and noticed the texture and pattern of the bricks. Everyone else thought it looked really cool too. Cars passing by looked trippy as well, the brake/head lights had an aura and looked starry.

We decided to walk back near my friends house again, but this took quite the while. We kept finding ourselves stopping and sitting at bus stops. My body felt lazy, and almost as if I was a little drunk, but still in total control. We eventually got back near the school again and walked over to the field where a bench was next to the baseball diamond. We sat down and started talking about things, random things, anything. I found myself laughing a lot. Shrooms definatley boost your mood. My hands started feeling almost numb-like, but not quite. I dropped my slurpee and I thought to myself 'fuck it, I dont even really need this to enjoy the trip.' So I just left it on the ground.

After about an hour and a half into the trip, we walked to another nearby sports field and sat down, pondering life and all its wonder. I felt my ego slowly slip away... I let it slip away, knowing that I would feel more at peace doing so. My hands became very very odd. One of my friends said 'look at your hands guys.' It's almost like having an alien tool attached to your arm, but the feeling was more funny than anything. I found myself looking at the wood panel in front of me on the next bench level. The wood grains started taking on shapes, 3 distinct ones turned into some type of cat, a tiger, a lion, and a jaguar. At this point I knew I was officialy seeing full fledged hallucinations. The fence in front of me was slowly melting downwards. My friend was wearing pijama pants that had a plaid like design on it, I started to trip out looking at the swirling shapes on his pants, so did everyone else.

After about 3 hours of talking and thinking that we kept seeing a cop car drive by on a street to our left, we decided to walk back to our friends house and see what was up there. Stepping on grass on the walk back felt odd. I could feel the grass under my feet, even tho I was wearing shoes. It was unique feeling. Almost near my friends house, my buddy decides to pull out his cell and call someone for no reason, he takes it out, and walks away trying to punch in the numbers. It's me and 2 other of my friends left standing there wondering what the hell he's doing. We were all completley trippin' hard at this point. I remember thinking to myself 'this is the plateau' and right after that my friend says out loud 'this is definatley the plateau.' I stood there just staring at everything. Everything was flowing, fluid and in-sync. Cracks in the road were flowing, leaves were moving at the same time flowing with all the other bushes and trees.

After my friend finally came back, we went inside, and I decided that I should go home and try and sleep, because I had an interview the next day. The walk home was about 20 minutes away, and I was still trippin' hard. I felt at one with everything, very, very calm. And in wonder. I brushed my hand through a bush near my street and it felt wonderful. Like touching it for the first time. I saw my cat near the front door when I was approaching my house. All I can say is animals seem like they are doing the rightest thing possible. Hard to explain, but what they do just seems so right when I compared it to what humans do. Petting it felt great, so fluffy and soft. It felt very different then petting it not on shrooms.

I went inside, everything seemed new and shiny, very future like. I was very tempted to walk into the living room and tell my parents what I just took. I felt so at peace I didnt even care. I ended up deciding against it anyways. I played computer games for about 30 minutes and decided I was going in and out of focus, so I just decided to try and go to sleep instead. I layed there for a good 3 hours, then finally my mind slowly got back from warpspeed.

I woke up feeling refreshed with a new outlook on life. Im glad I took them and will probably take them again to see what else this magical drug can teach me.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24965
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2007Views: 5,165
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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