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Discovery of Music
Hydrocodone & Cannabis
Citation:   Jesterian. "Discovery of Music: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Cannabis (exp24971)". Feb 23, 2018.

  oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  .2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2 tablets smoked Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
I'm 17, a fairly inexperienced drug user, an extremely experienced drinker, and a completely unafraid to try new things.

Recently, a very old friend of mine had his 17th birthday. Of course, me and some of the other guys get together a little gathering in celebration. I manage to secure some Smirnoff Vodka and Bacardi 151, and snatch some Hydrocodone pills that my mom had left over from a car accident not too long before. Another friend brings some weed that he had gotten from his father, who had recently died.

We start the night with a little drinking, the birthday boy takes a couple Vicodin (that's his thing). We're already really comfortable around each other, but the substances loosen everyone up and we have a light conversation, listen to some music, basically just sit around and enjoy each other. It gets dark out, which is our cue. My buddy who brought the weed begins to pack a bowl of the highest quality stuff they brought, crypie. I get out a mortar and pistle and grind up a couple Vicodin pills. We lace the weed lightly (keeping in mind that the pills contain a good amount of Tylenol, as well, therefore I have to keep the dose to a minimum). We take it outside, and smoke it between about 5 of us.

All I can say is, wow. It barely takes 2 bowls to get us all totally gone. This isn't just a nice weed high, I can feel the Vicodin too. All I can think is 'this is the best high I've ever felt'. Not to say that it was the highest I'd ever been, it was just the best feeling.

Naturally, we all get hungry at about this point. There's one guy with us who doesn't do drugs or drink, so he's DD. We hop in his truck and head off to burger king. At this point I'm definitely peaking, and the high is amazing. We have a bunch of kids sitting in the back, I'm up in the cab with the driver. His truck is equipped with a very nice sound system, so I reach down and look through his CDs. 'Techno' I think. Techno? I don't even like techno. Anyway, I find a techno CD and put it in. Suddenly, I'm completely unreachable to anyone around me. I float along on clouds of sound and the bass seems to vibrate my very soul.
I find a techno CD and put it in. Suddenly, I'm completely unreachable to anyone around me. I float along on clouds of sound and the bass seems to vibrate my very soul.
We continue to drive around for a few hours like this, I barely say a word. The feeling is amazing..

When we finally reached home, I lay down in my bed and go to sleep, totally and completely relaxed and feeling a kind of euphoria I'd never experienced before. I was asleep in minutes.

The effects of the laced weed with vicodin are so much more gratifying than either drug alone, and I plan to do it again sometime.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24971
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2018Views: 1,527
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Hydrocodone (111), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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