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Losing Reality
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   E man. "Losing Reality: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp24995)". Oct 2, 2018.

T+ 0:00
4 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 1:00 3 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
It was the second week of summer and I had already been experimenting with all kinds of drugs. DXM, percaset, pot, salvia, and had tried a few caps of mushrooms. So when My friend picked me up that morning and showed me a big bag of mushrooms, I was very excited. He had about 7 grams of some good lookin mushies.

We pretty much had pretty much already planned out the day. Pick up a bunch of friends and some pot and go back to someone's house and just relax for the day. But I couldn't wait. I had brought a P&J sandwhich along for the ride and put about 4 grams of mushrooms on and consumed it. By the time we had everyone picked up and were on our way to get the pot I was already feeling it. That warm feeling inside with lots of energy. No visuals though, and I could still focus pretty easily.

I had never really hallucinated before. I've done what I thought was more than enough DXM to hallucinate, but saw nothing. So when I sat down in my friends kitchen and looked up to see patterns pulsing and moving around the room it was pretty intense. I loved the feeling though, being able to still have a grasp on reality but sitting there tripping out, I couldn't see why anyone wouldn't want to try this wonderful drug. And I wanted to see more. I wanted to explore more of what these wonderful fungi had to offer. So I ate the other 3 grams. (Only about an hour had gone by since I I ate the original 4).

We then went into my friends basement and things got really weird. The walls seemed like they were breathing and appeared to be made up of all the colors of the rainbow. 2 of my friends were playing pool and everytime someone would hit a ball it seemed to take the ball forever to get where it was going. I felt an overall sense of well being, like everything was just 'ok' and it was all going to work out in the end.

After about an hour of messing around we got the old bong and pipe out. There were 7 people and a 1/4 ounce of some good dank. Smoking seemed easy, almost relaxing, and I could take bigger hits than usual. But this is where my memory gets hazy. I remember passing around the bong talking, but I was having a hard time paying attention, I was tripping pretty bad. But somehow kept smoking. (we finished the quarter in about 40 minutes) I remember going to pack one of the last bowls. My arms seemed really far away from me and it was difficult to get my arms and fingers to do what I wanted them to do. I couldn't see very well either, everythign was extremely bright and wobbly. My friends, seeing how much trouble I was having ended up doing it for me.

Thats when everything went to hell. Everyone seemed to be talking at once, and it was getting very aggitating because I couldnt understand what they were saying. I was rather calm though, trying not to be afraid.

I couldn't understand what was going on, I was trapped in my mind. Going over thoughts again and again. I would remember things that happened 5 minutes ago(?) but I couldn't tell if I was just thinking that that they had happened, or it actually had. The whole room was going nuts. Everything was rippling and somehtings appeared to be very close to me, while others very distant. I starting getting confused. I couldn't for the life of me understand why we were here. I kept asking what time it was and who was I. I thought I was in a dream, caught in a dream. I felt like everyhing was just one big giant hallucination. After being afraid of it at frist and asking many questions I tried to play along. I had my friends explain to me what drugs I had taken because I couldnt remember. They told me I was just high and I would be fine. What was being high? I couldnt remember. Was being high like being in a dream? I eventually came to the conclusion that I had done shrooms, everything was a hallucination, and that I needed to get back to reality and start thinking sanely again. I thought that one of my friends was just a figment of my imagination, so I instructed him to follow me wherever I went. Hoping he could help explain this mess to me. I tried interogating him, getting answers from him. I didn't know who I was, well I knew, but I just didnt understand why, and it felt like there needed to be more to it all. I kept telling myself to wake up from this dream. I could see myself from a complete third person. I would Think about something to do and then my body would do it. I accepted the fact that I would always be like this, but was actually rather pleased with this because now atleast I would be a rather 'flawless' person. Seeing as how I could see how I acted in everyday life and view problems from a completely different angle.

For whatever reason I remembered something I had read online. Something about how some bad effects of shrooms can be getting stuck in a loop of thinking. I felt at ease for a second, thinking to myself that I was just caught in that loop. But seconds ticked by like minutes and I got caught in the loop again rather fast.

At around 5 we had to bring one of my friends home, sometime druing that car ride I came down and evertyhing went back to normal. I apologized to my friends for being such a pain in the ass. (They were later telling me how frustrated I was getting at them because they couldn't explain to me why we were there)

As scary as parts of the trip were, I felt I had accomplished something. I felt I had completely lost touch with reality and somehow on my own gained it back. I had forgot how to live, how to use my body and mind, but after much trying I taught myself how to. It was like Someone stole my mind, replaced it with a real shitty one, and I was wandering around looking for the good one. All in all it was a very intresting experience, and shows how mushrooms can do some very strange things.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 2, 2018Views: 754
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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