3:30 pm
Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   fyregod. "3:30 pm: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (exp26888)". Erowid.org. Oct 26, 2003. erowid.org/exp/26888

0.5 bowls smoked Leonotis leonurus (flowers)
My experience with psychoactives is a pretty mild one. Three or four shroom trips, lots, and i mean lots, of 'dank,' a lil X, blow, and K (small amount). But i never got mysef to use 'cid.' Anyways, being in public safety, i can no longer afford to use illegal substances due to drug testing and that i am gettin older. The only drug i really miss is MJ. She was always good to me.

I came across two plants that really grabbed my attention one being Salvia D. and the other Wild Dagga. After researching them on the net, i ordered about 5 grams of Wild Dagga flowers, for they are to be a lot more potent and better tasting than the plant matter.

My package arrived today in the mail and i met the postman at the mailboxes. I was kinda like a kid on christmas in the way that i was excited to see if the reports were true. I went back into my apartment and decided that i would wait until tonight, b/c i like being high at night, it is much more fun to me. I went to see my girlfriend before she went to work and on the way back to my place i decided to pack a little bowl, just to see if there were any effects. I lit it up and the stuff burnt up really fast, only got like two good hits. After a minute or so i got a little lightheaded, like MJ, and turned on some Zepplin. ONLY two hits and i have a small buzz. I rode on back to my place and watched some tv.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26888
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 26, 2003Views: 21,152
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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