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by opi
Citation:   opi. "Content: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp28086)". Aug 9, 2005.

20 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A little background: I am 17 years old. I live in a house where my family life lately kind of sucks. I had tripped before on acid by myself and I just chilled out and relaxed with it. I now tripped out in the forest with two friends on acid and myself on 5-MeO-DiPT for the first time. The change in setting and company made my trip very unexpectedly intense with 5-MeO-DiPT. Lately, I have had some turmoil in my life, but nothing extremely serious. Nothing could take away from the atmosphere during this experience.

I decided to take the drug not knowing enough to get a good feel for it. I had read a few reports and knew the risks but I never expected what 5-MeO-DIPT would do to me. In preparation, I packed my backpack with some snacks, water, music, and some cannabis. I wouldn’t end up needing much of this in the forest, but I thought I might want it, so I brought it anyway.

Without further rambling, I will begin on about the day. It started off normal enough with a cross-country meet in the morning and running very well. It gave me a very upbeat sense about the day. A friend picked me up 2:00 pm I took a 20 mg dose of 5-MeO-DiPT at 2:50 pm in the car on the way to the forest. I arrived in the forest with friends D, S, and J. The setting was absolutely perfect. It was 50-60 degrees during our time spent outside. It was early November. The leaves had just fallen and littered the ground with color. The sky was overcast; there could be no more surreal setting than the one at hand. The only drawback was that we ran into strangers at about 15-45 minute intervals.

+0:10 (3:00 pm) – We arrived at the forest. The four of us walked to the back of this particular area to a secluded trail. It took us about 35 minutes to make the trek. My friends S and J were starting to come up on the acid. They had dropped shortly before I had dosed.

+0:40 (3:30 pm) – They were starting to come up quickly when we decided to take a break in a fairly secluded spot and smoke a joint. I was feeling nothing at +0:40, but after we took about twenty minutes of chilling and smoking a joint and a cigar, it hit me suddenly that I had come up very quickly and very suddenly. I was taken in by the “body buzz.” I still was coming up but I knew I was definitely in for a pleasant but intense surprise.

+1:00 (3:50 pm) – My sober friend, D, started to lead us through the forest. He got us to a point where we would easily be able to find our way out. We were still a good distance from the exit, but I had a general idea where we were.

+1:10 (4:00 pm) – At this point, my sober friend, D, had to go to work. He left us in the forest to our own devices. All three of us were now beginning to come up very nicely. Immediately after friend D leaves, S, J, and I began to notice the pure intensity of the experience.

+1:30 (4:20 pm) – We have been wandering around, getting lost and then finding our bearings, for twenty minutes now. The setting was getting the most of all three of us. It was intensely surreal. We were all tripping very hard. Visuals and the body load were beginning to peak. I was able to just let myself go and be one with my surroundings and friends for the first time in my life. We were on different drugs and feeling different, but the overall experience was exactly the same.

+1:45 (4:35 pm) – We have been wandering around the forest for a long while, stopping at random places to just sit and take in the surroundings and the feelings. We had happened upon too many people by now. We came within ten feet of probably six different groups of people, and each time it made my trip that much more intense. All three of us found ourselves raving and jabbering right in front of complete strangers. I couldn’t stop laughing anytime anyone passed us. They all knew what was up, but I didn’t care at all. I was enraptured be the pure intensity around me. The environment was melting right along with me and I was enjoying it to no end. I wasn’t really learning anything about the world, but I didn’t feel the need to. I was too taken in by the surroundings and by the situation.

+2:00 (4:50 pm) – We went very close to the exit and just tripped out for the next twenty-five minutes and waited for our ride. We are sitting under a bridge with absolutely no one around. We had let ourselves go already, but now we could fully enjoy the intensity of our peaks under the safety of isolation. This was definitely the time when we all peaked the highest. We leaned up against the support of the bridge and would come and go from our own little worlds as we pleased. I cannot quite describe my feelings, but the best word is melting. Everything just seemed to fit together in an intense way. I was seeing a ridiculous amount of trails at this point, and I looked out from under the bridge toward the trees and I found them to melt and blend together. Life was buzzing and full for energy. I really seemed to find myself as a person. This is exactly what I had been looking for, but not really expecting. I really wasn’t learning anything about life, but I seemed to recognize one of my inside desires: The drug and the environment allowed me to just let go of everything. I have had a little stress in my life lately, but at this moment, I hadn’t a care in the world, and I was having the time of my life.

+2:25 (5:15 pm) – A friend I trust very well, K, was set to pick us up at 5:15 pm We were about 200 yards from the parking lot, when we discovered that a couple in their thirties or forties appeared next to us from a side trail and were heading in the same direction we were. This was too much to handle; it all had happened so fast. All three of us almost freaked out. They came upon us so suddenly and simply had to have heard our conversation that definitely gave away the state we were in. For some reason, quick flight seemed like the best option. Frankly, I was on the verge of being terrified, but it was a kind of fear that is enjoyable. I knew that I was going to be fine, but I also felt a sense of danger, that these people were somehow going to bring me down. So we broke into the fastest walk below running that we could manage. We got away as fast as we could. Our ride was right on time and we seemed to “get away clean” in my mind. It was a great sense of relief. I then got to enjoy a thirty-minute car ride of pure intensity. I was feeling great about my experience so far and just sat back and enjoyed a very intense plateau. I was thinking about the last two and a half hours; at times, it seemed as though it would all become too much to take in, but it was always highly enjoyable.

+3:00 (5:50 pm) – My friend, K, just took us back to her house and let us chill. We either sat in her room with a black light and heavy music staring at black light reactant posters and other things or sat out in the bright hallway just enjoying the white walls. It was definitely not as intense as in the forest, but I enjoyed it just as much. I smoked a couple bowls of cannabis with my friends, J and K, and I completely let myself relax. I let myself go in a way where I just felt safe. No one was around who could come down on me so I was able just to get mellow and just enjoy the experience. I was completely contented with my surroundings like I have never been in my life. The next three hours were pure enjoyment. I was just chillin, enjoying the surroundings, my experience, and my friends. Music was the absolute greatest thing in the world at this time. I had read about the appreciation of music and frequency changes associated with 5-MeO-DiPT, but this was genuinely different than anything I had ever listened to in my life. I could just feel the vibe in the music all night. My body fed off this vibe; it made me buzz with energy. I was completely contented with my total being at the moment. I had finally found my inner desire of content and there was absolutely no place I would have rather been.

+6:00 – (6:50) I have just come down from tripping out for the last six hours. I still buzzed with an afterglow of the feeling, but I was basically back to baseline. I just sat around chilling with my closest friends. I was just happy to sit and relax. My mind was rather tired. My friends were still on the tail end of plateau with the acid. They were fun to just sit and talk to. My friend, K, took me home at 11:00 pm, where I just smoked a couple grams of cannabis with my brother and his friend. I then just went to my room and relaxed and reflected. I eventually got around to writing this at about 3:00 in the morning.

I am sitting thinking back on the experience as a whole. I had the overall experience of my life. I didn’t actually learn anything about the world, but I believe I found something out about what I really want in life: to be content. It was incredibly intense, but this made me forget that I existed outside this experience. I was just content with life. I had expected it to be a little uncomfortable from what I had read and heard, but I was very off the mark. I just enjoyed the intensity and then the serenity to its fullest. I never really got too nauseous, but I felt a little queasy for the beginning hour. It didn’t bother me at all. I learned a lot about setting influencing the trip. Our situation changed the entire experience into something surreal. I was enjoying the effects of a completely different drug as my friends, but we had much the same overall experience due to the setting. To sum up the experience I can only say that I was content with melting and enjoyed it immensely. I feel as though I got the exact release that I needed. This is just one experience, but I have absolutely nothing negative to say about 5-MeO-DiPT. I feel as though I must cautiously explore this type of experience.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28086
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2005Views: 8,264
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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