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Sex and Death
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Uncle Sid. "Sex and Death: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp28440)". Jun 7, 2007.

5.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This is an account of a trip that happened a few years ago. I have never really been able to adequetely describe in words what happened, but after much contemplation the experiance has been fully integrated.

My three friends (T, B, R) and I were able to secure our hands on some extremely potent shrooms. We were all tripping alot at this point. Prior to this trip I had maybe tripped half-dozen times and had good experiances. I had also not taken any heavy doses. I planned on eating the remainder of a half-oz which ended up weighing 5.5. I read Timothy Leary's Psychedelic Experiance all week in preperation with mediation and a fast the day of the sacrement.

A decent sized dorm room with music and close friends. R and I were the only one's dosing and T, B were sitting. These were really good friends so the setting was nice and comfertable.

The Trip:
After munching down on the fungus I took one large bong hit. I percieded to cough it out and nearly vomit. Very, very close. I held it down though. At this point we decided to go outside for a cig before shit gets too intense. After about 15 minutes after ingestion I noticed the table that we were sitting at was coming alive. The different rocks in the cement began to turn to luquid and ooz. Different shapes were forming however I felt very uncomfortable because I was around people who were very clueless about tripping and I had to remain cool. Anyway we got back inside safe and sound. I plopped down on the bed and began to sink down the rabbit hole.

Everything in my view seemed to have less color or lost clarity. It was as if I only had 16 basic colors to view and on top of that everything was made up of liquid. I decided to close my eyes and just let it go. I was now seeing liquid but in millions of colors. Beautiful colors filled my vision which were also somewhat terrifing at the time. I recall saying in a monotonous tone 'Whaat's Haaapening?!' My friends tried to make contact with me and thats the last I remember them being present.

This is the point of total blur. I don't really recall all that much. All I knew was that I was no longer myself. I didn't remember eating any mushrooms or being in that room. I was whisked through a world of color and scattered images. T and B report that I was falling down alot, and looked like it hurt. Wallowing around on the floor changing different positions, sometimes half under the bed, curled next to the TV, everywhere. I was apparently singing along with the music alot. They remember me saying, 'If this ever happens again, I'm gonna cry'. I remeber none of this behavior.

Going deeper into the trip I suddenly was becoming aware of some issues in my life. I was seeing many sexual images. It was as if I was being tempted by a women. She was making extremely lewd gestures. Like the most hardcore porn I'd ever seen. I remember vaguely that I thought we were having sex. However R broght me out of it and situated me in the chair. I'm sure what my friends were watching me do had to be akward. I believe this chapter of the trip was about my viginity at the time. I lost it in the following weeks. It was as if the shroom was preparing me for it. It kinda of showed me things about how I actually felt about my partner. It was showing me the difference between having sex and making love.

I suddenly became aware of death. I knew it was present. It was hard for me to accept and I held back for some time. It was as if there was a countdown going on. It seemed as though my brain was making final preparations. Going through it final processes. At this point I was unsure what the countdown was too.

As the countdown was nearing it's end I just gave in and accepted that what was going to happen is what is going to happen and there's no stopping it. I was instantly filled with pure joy and extasy. Waves of energy rushed through me. I felt I was immortal. I felt I could create my own realties. There was no fear of death because I was already past that. Having been my first experiance with transcendence it lasted shortly. I was however treated with many visions which encompassed many things. I saw visions about how humans have extreme potentail however we aren't aware of it/ or simply can't use it yet. I saw how the use of certain pschoactive plants is very important to humanity. And that they are the key to saving the Earth and humanity.

It was at this point that I got up out of my chair and decided I was leaving. My friends rushed to stop me, 'NO, what are you doing' I was like, 'Anything I want!' They were trying to snap me back into reality. I was smoking a cigarette and to prove that I was immortal I threw my cig at B. I then bashed a bunch of lights and shit off of T's TV. I'm not sure what I thought, basically I guess I thought that I could create and destroy anything I wanted so therefor possesions or injuries meant nothing. I could create them at will. In any regard he picked the cig up and walked over to me and said, 'Bad, this burns things.' I then realized what happened, and fell to baseline. The best part of all was snapping back into reality in that chair. Just as Cheech and Chong started. I found it hilarious. A great movie to imprint with on a comedown.

Uncle Cid

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 28440
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2007Views: 6,355
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