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Trippin' for New Years
by 2c-b
Citation:   2c-b. "Trippin' for New Years: An Experience with 2C-B (exp29691)". Feb 6, 2007.

20 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  1 repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Time of dosing - 7:15 pm


Basically none, besides the fact i wanted to be surrounded by many, many friends, and equantances. So i went to a party where i knew people would be on some-kind of psychodelics(most were on E). Made sure to not have to deal with parents for the entirety of the trip.


We had dosed 20mg of 2c-b at approx 7:15(i had eatin a full meal at 6pm). The powder had been pre-mixed into a small glass vile(extremely similiar to something one may find a physician dipping a syringe into) with 2/3 being vodka and the other 1/3 obviously being the 2c-b. I feel it is important to note the feeling i had just by looking at this vile, it made me feel a little aprehensive, it made it seem more 'hard-core'. Just a clear solution in a small glass bottle. quite intense for sure. We immediately began smoking our weed, a 1g joint. afterwords we just sat around, enjoying our highness. then at about 7:45 we walked across the street to my friends house hoping to get a ride to a new years eve bash across town.

As we waited in his basement I could feel myself getting more and more high, very unlikely this was the 2c-b, definetly just the pot. However, i did feel as though none of my clothes were actually touching my body, this was surely the 2c-b. the initial REAL effects began around 9:00p.m. after realizing that i had been way too stoned from the pot for way too long, i concluded this must have been the 2c-b. The first signs of halucinations began; fussy lights, solid objects looked to be vibrating, or moving like a speaker cone. My mind however, was still clear, i could think and function pretty well normally. once we arrived at the party My mood had turned into a very relaxed and happy one, a mood that made me feel as though everything was perfect, like i couldnt be in a better situation.


The party was in a semi-unfinished basement, 2 large black lights at the back, the walls were that fake wood look, many trippy knick-knacks. The speakers were playing trip-hop, and techno all-night, not sure who the mix-master was, prolly some average club dj. The bass was at an ok intensity, i guess the system just wasnt cutting it. Although i could feel all the bass lines as they were meant to be fealt, just not the extreme kick im used to at raves and such.

Finally at about 10pm i was peaking out, also had smoked 2 1g joints between 9 and 10 pm. The oddest thing tho was how i would feel very warm one second, and the next i would feel a draft and would cool right down. And at times i would feel like i had just taken sum cold medicine, like the way it feels to breathe after taking pseudophedrine. The trip was very similar to a mild to medium(lets just say average) mushroom peak, but with less confusion, more visuals and a sensual emotion was present tho not very intense at all. The emphatic feelings drifted away by 11, but the visuals stayed until i fell asleep at sumtime i figure between 4-5a.m.


Im certainly not a large person and only 15 yrs old, at 20mgs i experienced what i would consider a un-intense trip, I was able to control myself TOTALLY around parents or other people. I would even consider going to school on this dose, and also think a wedding would be a blast. I experienced no hangover, unless feeling energetic in the morning and more than average tiredness in the evening was the hangover.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29691
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2007Views: 6,488
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