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Edgy and Warped
2C-I, Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   S. in Chicago. "Edgy and Warped: An Experience with 2C-I, Cannabis & Alcohol (exp30138)". Aug 1, 2007.

10 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
After being aproached by a friend who mentioned that he had access to the drug I spent a good amount of time going over reports. Knowing that I am sensitive to drugs and especially hallucinogens and having had a few bad experiences I wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into.

On a typical Friday night I got together with a group af friends at a loft where we generally jam on musical instruments, discuss art and varying subjects of interest, create and view video and hang out with a group of talented musicians, artists and good people. In other words an environment I was comfortable with. 5 individuals dosed that night. I decided that I would take only 2/3 of the recommended 15 mg. dose and spread out injesting it over a period of 1 to 2 hours. I have found that when dosing on mushrooms in this way I have a long beautiful experience. The powder we had was mixed with water and distributed. We went into the studio for about two hours and jammed.

11:15pm-1am Took 5-7 sips of the liquid during this period to complete the dose. During this time I also smoked a few hits of marijuana and drank two beers. The jam went pretty well. We do a freeform electronic and traditional instrument improvisation. Synthesizers, turntables, keyboards, drums, etc. the works. This night was interesting because we had a new drummer and percussionist join us. Almost immediately I felt up. Not like speed or extacy. Just a jittery upness that was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable.

At times I felt something coming on and at others I didn't. This later translated into wave like surges of extreme hallucinations, and I attribute this to taking the dose over a period of time rather than at once. I also felt disjointed at times - a mental feeling of questioning my actions. Thinking that the music we created would be overly spacey or unmusical, I was surprised to hear the recording the following day after the trip and find out that it sounded better than I thought.

1:15 Feeling antsy, hyperactive, not talkative. I try resting on a couch and the entire room starts to warp. I am surprised at the overly hallucinatory effects. Wood beams are bending, objects seem like they are in a warped mirror. I decide that I must be peaking, but my antsyness increases.

2:00 I now feel very antsy as if I have not yet peaked. Visuals are more pronounced and I decide I would like to get away from my current location to a quiet spot where I can lie down. As I stand up and look at the floor and try to walk I feel as if I am very disoriented. The floor looks like rolling hills that come up almost to my waist. I carefully climb the stairs and lie down on the couch. I stare at the wood beams and the come towrds me and move awy and swirl. The edges become extremely swirly and melt away. It is hard to focus, my eyes twitch and I close them. I see incredible geometric effects, faces and strange colorful objects.

3:00 At this point I think I should be comming down, but I keep getting hit by wave after wave of rushes that vary between beatiful calm feelings and incredible visuals to feelings of slight panic. I relax and get absorbed into the couch. I open my eyes and see 3-d colorful pinwheel swirls. A doll of Homer Simpson moves and his eyes pop out of his head, his nose grows to 3x it's normal size - I laugh. Pictures with dots move, edges melt away.

3:30 I go to the bathroom and feel at this point that I am coming down a bit, over the next hour or so I become much more lucid, am able to converse, walk and talk. I pack up my gear slowly and at one point lie down again.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

4:15 I am able to drive (20-30 mph) and arrive home safely. It is hard to sleep even though I am exhausted. I sleep for about 6 hours and feel no adverse effects, except for a very slight headache.

The big surprise for me was that I was expecting an extasy like experience with a slight mushroom like buzz and what I got was a very strong chemical trip much like what I have experienced with LSD.

Personally, if I wanted to trip I would take mushrooms or peyote which give a nice natural hallucinogenic experience that involves both visuals and philosphical thoughts, not 2-CI which is purely a chemical trip that is more edgy and had 'ZERO' mental thought stimulation (that was a big dissapointment). For an extasy like experience I much more prefer MDA. Since I am sensitive to Hallucinogens and drugs I thought that a smaller dose would be appropriate. If I were to do it all again I would have started with 5 mg, not the 10 mg that I took.

On a side note, the location I was at was pretty cold. I felt chilled and would have preferred a warm environment. I also felt at times that I had a lot of trouble breathing. This could have been caused by the temperature, or the coldness could have been enhanced by the drug. So I would suggest taking it in a warm environment rather than a cold one.

On a scale of 1-10, I would give this one a 6.

This is not an extacy replacement, more an LSD alternative.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30138
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2007Views: 5,234
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