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I Couldn't Control It
Citation:   Caitlin. "I Couldn't Control It: An Experience with Cannabis (exp30150)". Jul 10, 2019.

2 hits smoked Cannabis
Last night, a couple friends and I hung out. My friend had some weed and a bong with him so we decided to go outside and smoke it. He packed a bowl into the bong and started smoking it. I hit it after him. I took a huge hit. It was passed around the three of us about twice and then we went back inside.

I sat down in a chair and watched TV. All of the sudden I realized I had been staring at the TV for what seemed like hours and not watching it. I felt like I had been sleeping with my eyes wide open. So I snapped out of it but I felt dizzy as fuck. My leg muscles were uncontrollably twitching. I focused on making it stop but it wouldn't stop. So I sat on my legs which made my whole body shake.
I sat on my legs which made my whole body shake.

I then poured myself a cup of soda and started chugging it down without realizing it. I felt numb as hell. I could feel the cup on my lips but I couldn't feel the soda in my mouth. I didn't know if I swallowed it or not because I couldn't feel it.

Then I tried eating a chip but I couldn't chew it properly and it seemed like I couldn't swallow it. My thoughts drowned out everything around me and I don't remember anything my friends were doing. I felt glued in that position and it felt as if I had lost all control of my body.

I kept focusing on how my legs would just not stop and my head was filled with thoughts like 'What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you even bother?' I felt so alone and I started thinking about random things. I'm usually an outgoing happy person, but the weed I had made me shy and quiet. I sad nothing the whole night...or so I think.

I remember saying something about how worried I was. But after I said it, no one said anything, so I questioned if I had actually said it. Then I felt like I needed to piss. So I went to the bathroom and I felt like I took 3 hours in the bathroom and I was worried that I pissed all over the place for no reason. Then I went back to my friends and I didn't believe that I had just gone to the bathroom.

Time seemed to move really fast but it was moving slower. My sense of taste, smell and hearing was GOOD. I thought I was imagining sounds but I later found out that I was actually hearing them. I could hear my friend breathing from across the room really loudly. I felt alone and lonely.

It was a bad trip. I am now dealing with the after effects. I'm scared, terrified and bored. I miss that high even though it was awful and I feel I need it.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30150
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 598
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Bad Trips (6)

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