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A Horrific Combination
DPT & Mushrooms
Citation:   A-non-nimmus. "A Horrific Combination: An Experience with DPT & Mushrooms (exp30363)". Feb 20, 2008.

T+ 0:00
2.0 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 2:00 50 mg insufflated DPT
I will never again, not under any circumstance mix psilocybin containing mushrooms with DPT. The results were devastating and unbelievably adverse. After 2 hours of ingesting the mushrooms i insufflated a relatively moderate dose of DPT. As its effects began to manifest, i knew i had done something terribly wrong. Within minutes i was cornered like a very frightened animal, wanting it to all go away. It felt like there was lava in my bloodstream, i became frantic and desperately wanted it out of me.

DPT undeniably has some type of odd effect on my cardiovascular system, my heart beat became, for lack of a better word, 'unregulated.' The insight I am able to gain from each of these substances independently was nowhere to be seen. There was only sheer terror, the likes of which i have never encountered. I wanted it to end so desperately, i took a large quantity of melatonin and some xanax, which knocked me out as intended.

I'm not one to run from problems, but it was horrifyingly frightening i wanted to die in my sleep not excruciating agony. By God's will i awoke the next morning, sore, and surprised/grateful to be alive.

Lesson learned. This was a wake up call for me.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30363
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2008Views: 12,848
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DPT (21), Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3)

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