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The Tiles Had Trails...
Citation:   TranceEternal. "The Tiles Had Trails...: An Experience with 2C-I (exp30364)". Erowid.org. Jun 28, 2005. erowid.org/exp/30364

30 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
So my best friend called and asked if I had to work the next day. Being that I didn't have to, I said 'no'. He then told me he could get some 2C-I and asked if I wanted to try it. Trusting him completely, I said 'yes'. I tried to research the stuff, but my company chose to block me from my trusted resource for experiences and information. ANYway...the story really begins once I get off work.

He picks me up at the rail station, and tells me we gotta stop to get something to drink. I guess it takes about 60-75 minutes to kick in...which means 45 for him, bout 90 for me based on other things. So, we stop, get some apple juice, and pour 30mg each into the bottle. We shake it up pretty well, and I sit on the bottle (yes...I sit on it) to warm it up a bit so I can gulp the stuff. A few minutes later, impatience and anticipation set in, and I down it.

T+00:15 - I start to move my foot, and cant stop. Kinda like on 'cid, but only the intensity of rolling. Not too bad so far, I hope my bro isn't feelin this yet cause we still got about 15 minutes to drive before we're 'home'. Luckily I'm not drivin.

T+00:30 - We arrive 'home' and I'm starting to notice brighter colors, a little bit of a delay, or maybe those are trails. Hrms, can't tell quite yet. I'm excited. Bro's kinda uneasy about the dose, I'll work on calming him.

T+00:40 - Okay, so I just went to the bathroom, and I'm definately noticing trails. I get back to the room, and Bro's been reading some experiences...none of which seem to be such a high dose for the first time. He's starting to get really uneasy. I have this overwhelming desire to puke, but not in the stomach sick kinda way...more like overheating. I drink more water. Bro takes his water into the bathroom and chills for a bit. I check on him every once and a while, and try to read some of the exprierences. It's getting a bit harder to begin to read, so I stop...not wanting to kill the feeling my concentrating on something too hard (not like I think it really would have been possible in the state I was entering).

T+??:?? - I've lost all sense of time at this point. Bro returns from the bathroom. He hasn't gotten sick, but he's not comfortable. He's ready for it to end. He's still freakin' bout the dose. I tell him it's okay. Candi-flipping was much more intense in my opinion (but that was my first time taking 'cid too, so maybe I'm not the best opinion). He tries to relax to no avail. Oh well...

Hrms...I gotta pee again. Off to the bathroom. 'The tiles have trails.' I think to myself as I'm takin care of stuffs. Wait...when do tiles move? They're pretty though. Very colorful. I like this. Relatively 'mellow' compared to some other things. Back into the room and I notice the silence...not good. Bro's amazed I can work the computer, but I do.

A few minutes, or several maybe pass by, and I notice the jungle mix being played. I'm not too fond of jungle, and wouldn't describe it as the most relaxing music, so I find some hard trance, and chill. Again, bro's amazed at my computer abilities. He can hardly read. Still uneasy, but I've taken his mind off the dose for a bit.

My stomach is still a bit uneasy, but I keep drinking water. I probably have to evacuate a couple more times, and do...each time fascinated by the tile trails. I'm noticing an 'outline' around everything, it's so mesmorizing. I can enjoy this, definately.

I start typing on the keyboard, and type some things I shouldn't, and it f**ks with Bro's head a bit. Not in a totally bad way, but I still should have. So, I tell Bro to take my keyboard away (it's wireless). We joke around for a bit, but he won't take my keyboard. I'm laughing histarically, enjoying this and he's starting to too, but still not letting go.

Eventually, I take the batteries out and hand him one. I want him to put it on the desk behind him, but again he doesn't. We joke some more, and I'm still giggling like an insane school girl. I throw it over where he is, and he throws it back to my side of the room. Now I can't find it! Well...I guess that was the point.

We spent who knows how much time after that in a similar manner. Neither one of us had any sense of time at that point, although one look at the clock showed it was only around midnight.

My comedown was mild, Bro's was not good...but his never is. I wasn't overly worn out, but definately tired. It was a good experience, and I definately want to go at it again. I think slowing the dose might give me a better feel for how much I like it.

But, the most memorable moment was that point when I realized the tiles had trails ...

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2005Views: 6,694
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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