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Lost In A Dream
by Aden
Citation:   Aden. "Lost In A Dream: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp30496)". Mar 4, 2004.

6 glasses oral Alcohol (liquid)
  10 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I have been reading about this substance for months, reading reviews and getting more and more curious about it.. I decided to purchase some and indeed, 2 days later it was in my mail waiting for me to take the plunge. This happened last night, I had a shitty week at work and Friday night comes but when I saw what was in my mail, my mood changed.

I had a friend come over because we had to go a birthday party for a friend.. I didnt want to be there, all I could think about was how I NEEDED to try the 5-meo-dmt.. it was the only thing on my mind and I was smart.. before I left for the party, I made a pipe out of a pen and tinfoil, I brought that and the dmt with me in the car, my friend Ryan was driving.

I put a crystal of it into the pipe, Ryan kept telling me NO NO NO ADEN NO ADEN, NOT IN THE CAR!! But I lit the lighter, touched it to the tinfoil and all I know is it was like a bomb going off. The world as I knew it was gone, my body, my language, my existence on earth dissapeared and all that was left was my soul drifing through an endless universe where time does not exist. I remember trying to communicate to Ryan but he said that I was speaking another language and the words I were saying were not in the english dictionary.. he also said that I was laughing.. I remember him giggling at me and me saying 'ryan, ryan, ryan' over and over like a thousand times when I finally was able to talk. It all seemed like it lasted hours when in reality it was only a few minutes.. I was a little drunk from the 6 captain morgan and cokes I had that night also, so when I was finally down from the stuff, I was happy.. there was no hangover from it, no side effects.. I cannot comprehend that there is something like this that can cause such things.. to me it doesnt seem possible that something like this could exist, but it does.

When I got home, I put some more into the pipe for Ryan to take, but he said he wanted to have a few more drinks first.. I decided to take my second trip while sitting on my bed, see if the experience was the same. We shut off all the lights in my room so that the only thing was on was my computer.. I played Britney Spears's new album in windows media player and set it to show all the crazy trippy effects on the screen. I sat on my bed, lit it up and I was gone. I remember feeling like I was on a rollercoaster, I was looking at the computer monitor and it felt like I was going inside in, into the colors.. I could hear miss britney singing but it sounded a million miles away, and every note out of her mouth made my body react, I could feel her words on my skin.. it was madness. Needless to say.. my trip last night ended,,, I was fine 15 minutes later, it was like I never did it at all, no side effects, no bad feelings, nothing.. I woke up today and feel completely fine.

I would have to say that this drug was really amazing.. it did scare the hell out of me, I mean when it first hits, there are really no words I could use to describe what it does.. It freeks me out a little bit, but all I have to do is chill out, and think to myself that I'm on a journey, but it is going to end and I will be fine and back to normal in no time.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30496
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2004Views: 8,605
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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