Re-experiencing the World
Citation:   paixfemme. "Re-experiencing the World: An Experience with 2C-I (exp30926)". Jul 22, 2004.

20 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
Setting: my friend’s house with three of my favorite people

Trip duration: 10:30 PM to 5:30 AM

Experience: first time

10:30 PM- My friends and I stand around the kitchen table and ingest the individual doses of powder. Each of us has never experienced any other psychedelics, so we are apprehensive.

11:00 PM- I am excited and jittery, mostly due to anticipation. One of my friends brought a large roll of paper and acrylic paints… and excellent idea.

11:30 PM- I go upstairs and am drawn to a computer screen saver. A large, red bubble on the screen (actually there) is expanding and contracting. I suddenly become aware of the darkness of the room, and I become extremely claustrophobic. The walls seem to tighten around me. Frightened, I return to the womb that we had created in our friend’s basement.

12:00 AM- I start painting, enamored by textures and lines. Painting with these friends seems infinitely important. I find myself writing notes to my future self about the necessity of living in the moment.

12:30 AM- The world seems to swell. Suddenly, painting on the paper doesn’t seem like enough. Ordinarily, I am extremely aware of keeping things neat, and I am enjoying this escape; I am enjoying making a complete mess. We are walking in paint. We are painting the doorknobs and the television. We are painting each other’s arms and faces, and backs, and…

1:00 AM- I am aware of an overwhelming sense of bliss. We believe that we are experiencing the love of the universe. Paint begins to represent all of the human experience: our movement, our emotions.

1:30 AM-Visuals are fantastic. When dragging paint across the paper, it disappears and reappears and changes colors. The doors are swelling and changing colors. Time doesn’t make as much sense. When I look in the mirror, I don’t recognize myself. I know that it’s me, but I lost my sense of attachment to it. I am in awe of how large my pupils have become, and believe that I can see my soul through my eyes. There is a mutual overwhelming desire to detach our second self, our souls from our bodies.

We decide to venture into a new area of the house. When I touch things, I can’t help but gasp. I had forgotten the way that things feel. I am rediscovering smooth and cold and rough and pain and soft… nothing bothers me because the world is such a loving place.

3:00 AM- I am still experiencing intense visuals, especially trails. In moving my head, the room moves with me for a second. I shower to find my skin under all of the paint, and I realize that it’s difficult to distinguish wet from dry. The water feels like tiny fingers running all over my body. I need to close my eyes because the water is pouring towards me from the showerhead so rapidly.

3:30 AM- From here on, I become more introverted. I’m trying to understand the complexities of human nature and emotions. At one point, I am deep in conversation with a friend on the subject of love, but I am distracted by the way his face continues to melt and swirl. I am incapable of being still; constantly shaking or rocking.

Overall, the experience was incredible. There was always an intense body high, but my movements were deliberate and controlled. I never seemed to lose balance or stumble. I felt like I understood everything there was to understand. My omniscience seemed to derive from the infinite wisdom of the universe, as if everything was connected, and I had access to any knowledge that had already been sought. At some times I felt isolated and alone, but the presence of my friends allowed me to escape before I became consumed by the notion.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30926
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 22, 2004Views: 10,006
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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