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Beautiful Horror
2C-E, Ecstasy & Hash
Citation:   Dominator. "Beautiful Horror: An Experience with 2C-E, Ecstasy & Hash (exp31097)". Mar 15, 2004.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59 15 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I had been curies of 2C-E for a while when one day my friend asked me if he could give me 2C-E and I wanted it.

We went to my girlfriends apartment on the south side of Stockholm (Sweden).

I remembered what my girlfriend had told me about 2C-products 'snort max-dose or donīt take anything'. My friend gave me two rolled cigarette papers and said: in this one there is 15 mgs of 2C-E and in the other one there was 10 mgs of 2C-E, I ate the one with 10 mgs and opened the one with 15 mgs, it was like cotton, difficult to line up but I did my best and took my Royal Deluxe snortpipe and snorted up the cottonlike chemical...

T 0:00- Pain, the great mother of all pain moved into my body, it felt like my chest was about to explode, my nose was in flames, my heart was also in pain. I looked at my girlfriend and Thought 'where the hell am I going?'

T 0:05- Clear OEVīs, the 'background' was wobbling.
T 0:20- The pain was no longer around and it had left no trace of ever had been around.

T 0:30- Time to ingest an Ecstasy...
T 0:31- One more of the E.
Everything glowed, my friend said: time for me to go, I īve done here for this time...and he went out of the apartment.

My girlfriend had eaten 4 Ecstasy tabs. and said: donīt take more Eīs hunny, you donīt need them., hmmm, I thought why not, so I took one more.

T 2:30 My girly asked me if I wanted to take a bubblebath, when i felt the hot tubwater on my legs I felt goosebumps all over my body, I leaned backwards so my ears came under the bubbles and I heard the snap, cracle and pop in the most wonderful way possible.

After the bath I laid down on the bed, the Eīs was running strong now, I felt like it was growing teeths from the back of my mouth, I asked my girlfriend what to do with all these teeth that was growing...she laughed and me too!

T ??:?? I thought that me and my girlfriend had thought over my best friend, īcause he like appeard in the sofa, first I could only see the contures and then more and more.

I had smoked a Haschish-joint and the joint took me to the asylum of my mind, I looked at myself and felt dirty wearing only my underpants, and then there wes my best friend who looked fantastic, full of energy and joy, and my girlfriend on 8 Eīs, I was sure that the meaning of why me and my girlfriend had thought over my best buddy was because I was too dirty and filthy so he just came naturally to take my girlfriend from me, no wonder I felt like a wreck and I started to think that I didnīt belong on these planes where everyone of my friend were, my dad too.

But, It was the most fantastic experience everything was so energetic and beautiful.

After 13 hours of whirling around my girlfriend gave me 3 tabs of Theralen (sleeping pills) and said 'eat!', I asked why should I eat those Iīm not tired...dough!...

It took several days before I were able to speak of my beautiful horror experience with my best-friend and my girlfriend!

Next time I wonīt take anything but MAX-DOSE IN THE NOSE

Dominator CMC

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31097
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2004Views: 16,514
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2C-E (137), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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