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Experience Is What Was Expected
Citation:   Anonymous. "Experience Is What Was Expected: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT (exp31147)". Jun 11, 2004.

  oral 5-MeO-MIPT (powder / crystals)
After reading extensively about the substance I threw caution into the wind and gave it a go myself. I don't have a scale and convincing myself what the dosage was took alot of comparison against known substances like table salt. It was reported that a grain of table salt is approx. 1/10th of a milligram. So by simply approximating 10 grains of salt to 1 milligram I was able to crudely eyeball 12mg of 5-meo-mipt. This was very precarious because I was all by myself. I don't recommend this method of measuring but what am I gonna do when I don't have a scale.

I tried to mix a bit in water but it didn't seem to dissolve so decided to empty a cap of coral calcium and use the empty cap as a delivery.

9:15 PM is about the time I dropped the cap and waited patiently to feel something. This was a little worrisome because many thoughts went through my head about if I took too little or worse too much. But what ever the outcome it's too late to change it now.

10PM I was on the phone with my wife when I began to feel the effects. I had somewhat of a body load but it was minimal and I began to feel a little tense. I had to hang up with her because I didn't want to deal with her issues and the substance at the same time. Worrying if I had taken too much, I drank water and ate some food to try to dilute it. This turned out to either work or not be necessary because the overall experience was O.K. (I'll get there later)

10:45 PM If I had to describe the feeling at this point it would be something like a slight body buzz and noticable sound differnces. It was like I could hear myself at a slightly lower tone than normal. I would rate it at a +++ because I couldn't shut it down if I wanted to. And thank God I didn't want to. To take advantage of the auditory effects I threw on some Sasha and Digweed to really pull the sounds out and turned on my visualizations on windows media player to just see if any visual effects where lurking around the bend. Unfortunately, I didn't see anything unusual but it was fun to watch.

11:45 PM I think I peaked about this time because I had a great body buzz and the sounds were coming in real clear. I really enjoyed listening to the music during this experience because it provided a level of comfort in the unknown. I ventured away from my bed to the computer to see what porn would do because of the level of eroticism I was experiencing. (too bad I was alone on this one). I found that getting off to porn seemed pretty easy and enjoyable, unlike other substances (MDMA, AMPHETAMINES,) I can see how a couple could have alot of fun with this.

12:45 AM At this point I'm comfortable with the substance and I don't anticipate any surprises. It seems the peak is behind and I am feeling the trailing effects but it isn't a cracked out feeling at all.

1:45 AM I'm just about done with the experience, the effects have just about worn off. I don't know if there will be a part two to this, because I read on another experience that a mental trip began when the body buzz wore off but I'm ready if it happens.

2:45 AM I think everything is done now. I'm feeling tired which gives me hope that I will sleep peacfully for the the rest of the night. But before I go to sleep I would like to give an overall report of this substance.

Great care should be taken with this substance if a scale isn't available. Because of the low doses needed, (4-12mg orally reported, with 25mg causing 'freakout' episodes) it's very very difficult to 'eye' a correct amount without going into overdose territory. Since this substance doesn't seem to dissolve in water easily, the liquid measure method may not be an option either. It is suggested that precise measurements are taken before using this. With that said, I think this substance has a lot of positive qualities. For one, there seemed to be no nausea even though I took it with food in my stomach. Secondly, the duration seemed reasonable, 3-5 hours. Third, sexually speaking, the experienced seemed to heighten pleasure and created a base for more sexual exploration. On the down side, the possibility of an overdose is the real scare here.

I would rate this to be a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. I probably would do it again if the atmosphere was right. The experience is one that I'm glad I had. I hope people curious about this substance will use it responsibly and come out of it with a positive experience like I did.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2004Views: 20,768
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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