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It Can Work
Citation:   Kieran. "It Can Work: An Experience with Valerian (exp31245)". Jun 25, 2007.

500 mg oral Valerian (extract)
As an insomniac and suffering from depression, I had been looking for something non-prescription and non-chemical to help me sleep. Eventually, I tried the regular 150 mg regular dose of Valerian extract. I was on this regularly for about 3 weeks or so, and I started to notice that it put me into REM sleep, and I was feeling nice in the mornings and dreaming at night, something which I hadn't done for about three years. It wasn't so much that Valerian put me to sleep as it was that it mellowed me out.

One night, after taking 150mg, and still not being able to sleep, I went and took another 150mg pill. I thought for a second and then popped two more and went back to bed. The experience was a little weak, but it was like having smoked some decent Cannabis Indica, mellow, relaxing, and overall just good. That night I slept the whole night without waking once, and had vivid dreams that I still remember to this day.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 31245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 16,724
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Valerian (48), Dreams (85) : Depression (15), Health Benefits (32), Alone (16)

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