Why On Earth? What's the Point
2C-I, Ecstasy & Alcohol
Citation:   Kamel. "Why On Earth? What's the Point: An Experience with 2C-I, Ecstasy & Alcohol (exp31400)". Erowid.org. Mar 2, 2004. erowid.org/exp/31400

2 tablets oral MDMA
  2500 ml oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  10 mg oral 2C-I
Either it was a circumstantial cause, or perhaps the substance just sucked. (IŽd not eaten for 12 hours, consumed about 3,5L 5,9vol% beer and two EŽs) When the E started to wear off a bit, we tried out 2C-I. Concerning time between stages, I refer to previous reporters whoŽve made an excellent effort in describing them.

So, the experience-part:
While moving (me/head), the world tended to seem slightly elastic. Perspectives etc went a bit out of phase. Colors got slightly intensified, probably in due to the sensation of very bright light and occasional extra-sharp contours, pulsating back and forth. At some occasions I got the impression of sources of light moving, since shadows on items tended to 'wander' and alter (like in those nature-films when they speed up the sun- movement over the sky, and all shadows move really quick). At one occasion, while walking to a door, I got the impression of the distance to the door actually increase as I move toward it, in the elastic fashion described above. And occasionally time stopped.

Thats a short description of the mental state at about 2-3 hours after consumtion. Despite aannoying nausia now and then, it was a bit fun, until new effects took place. Somewere at 2-2,5h an ant farm, or seven, started marching in my body. 5h after consumtion, they finally started to rest, but during that time... there were really NO way to not feel in utter discomfort. No point in walking, that feverish and tinkling/crawling sensation in the body just made me want to lay down and rest. That on the other hand was also impossible, since it was as as comfortable as when I am really sick and been in bed for ages. However I turn, I just have to turn and turn back and forth, desperately searching for that one comfortable pose and spot that would ease the extreme discomfort. But it doesnŽt happen. Comfy pose and spot has gone into ninja-mode and is NOwhere to be found. (I actually burst into occasional laughter, when thinking of the fact that there canŽt be any real way of how one could ever feel so... wrong. It was just too much. Fortunately, I managed to see the humorous aspects in the situation)

Unfortunately, my partner in crime did not have such luck, even though I tried to make up strategies for how weŽd get through the remaining hours of agony. He wore the face of someone experiencing the odd feeling of a large and unwanted item, rectally inserted (and thatŽs not an exaggeration). When I told him we had five hours to go, he gave me kind of the same look that heŽd probably make if I were to kick him in the groin.

Three minutes later, I found myself amused, since IŽd expected 45 minutes to have past. I started to mentally prepare for the forever lasting agony, and asked my friend to guess how long we had left on the trip. He looked at me with what I interpreted was a 'dunno' gaze. Then I told him we still had five hours to go, and 'he made the face of a drowning man that spots a glass of water' (Terry Pratchett). Fortunately for me, my lesser fortunate friend seemed incapable of engaging in any agony-distracting strategies. His very funny way of crawling about in the sofa, occasionally 'hiding' in a corner, on his back waving limbs or wrapped up in a blanket, was rather amusing and distractive. Fortunately, again but for both of us this time, most of the 'under-skin-crawlers' lay off after little past 5h after consumtion. I had about one hours sleep, when I finally could lay still, then I went up another 12 hours. And I wont ever hook a maggot for fishing. I donŽt hate maggots, I know have theyŽd feel, and they donŽt deserve it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 31400
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2004Views: 13,775
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2C-I (172) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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